web link as mail subject can't be selected/copied/opened [duplicate]
Hi, I received a web link within the email subject just to realize I can't open it anywhere in the mail program on the phone. This is a bug in my point of view but if you think differently I could change it to feature request as well.
I think it's not a bug but a missing feature. You should make it a feature request, or even better, vote for this one: https://together.jolla.com/question/832/system-wide-clipboard-copy-paste-capability/ as I think your issue is a sub-feature of that request. In the meantime, work around by forwarding that mail or replying to it. That should make the subject editable, i.e. you can copy it and paste it to the browser.
bennypr0fane ( 2014-02-05 03:09:57 +0200 )edit