Poll: a better name for "Jolla PC Suite" [not relevant]
asked 2014-02-07 10:13:29 +0200

This post is a wiki. Anyone with karma >75 is welcome to improve it.
Now that we are discussing the technology that could be used for making a PC sync / backup tool, a "PC suite" for Jolla.
Now, whatever technology we choose, I think we should also come up with more Jolla-like name, which we call it, that fits into the theme!
We already have Harbour, a dry-dock for developers, Sailors, and the Jolla (Finnish for "dinghy") etc., so your suggestion should probably fit in to this theme.
Vote for your favourite, and/or add your own suggestion (please remember to check the "community wiki" box)!
To promote your own suggestion, collect votes, and give everyone an easy overview (to avoid doubles), please link your answer to the end of this list:
Home Port (Kotisatama) • Anchorage • Pontoon • Quay • Jolla PE Suite (Jolla Port Entry Suite) • Jolla Pier • Jolla's Dry Dock • Jolla Docks • Cove • Umbilical • Port • Lighthouse • Jolla Cargo Crane • Berth • Jolla Tender • Treasury • Jolla Floodgate • Jolla Porvooseen • Jolla Vessel • Tortuga • JSB (Jolla Silent Bay) • Jolla Shoreleave • Roll on/Roll off • Jolla Bay - safe place for anchorage • Link2Port (Linkki Portti) • Launch • Boathouse • Mooring • Mooring Shoreleave • Satama • Jolla Dockyard • Plank • Sailfish Lagoon • PFD (Personal flotation device, aka life vest) • Jolla Treasure Bay or Treasure Island • Jolla Survival Suite • Nautical (en) / Kajuutta (fi) • Jolla Link • PORTTI - Port or LAITURI = Pier • LAGOON • Sailfish Bay • Atolla • Fin • My Jolla, at my.jolla.com • Pirate Bay • SILTA (bridge) Harbour@home or Satama@home • Jolla Haven - Jolla Satama
@Anna thank you for this poll! The list of the names proposed above does only show about half of the proposed names so far, which is a bit confusing. Please consider to delete it, as it would make it easier for users to scroll through the answers without the space covered by it on each page.
corneliusg ( 2014-02-11 23:36:10 +0200 )edit@corneliusg - (it's a wiki, remove the links if you think that's a better solution. I'm the one who added the links, as I thought it would give others an easier way to see the different suggestions, when the suggestions began to cover multiple pages. the idea was for contributors to add an answer-suggestion (as a wiki!) and then add the link to the question-suggestion.)
phle ( 2014-02-11 23:44:01 +0200 )editI think it was a bad idea to delete the links. Everyone who was serious about their contribution should have added a link for others to easily access their favorite suggestion and vote for it. Not sure if people go through all answers now. I could add tons of suggestions, but I may not be convinced of all of them myself. So I might add them as an answer but not promote them to collect votes. However, if someone finds a suggestion well worth being promoted, they are welcome to add it to the list.
Anna ( 2014-02-12 03:06:00 +0200 )editAlso, I'm sure there will be lots of doubles now. Not good to have the links removed at all. This is why I recovered the earlier version and added To promote your own suggestion and collect votes, link your answer at the bottom of this list:. Should be very clear now.
Anna ( 2014-02-12 06:30:47 +0200 )editOk, I've added all suggestions "up til now", and also edited them to a more compact format.
Hopefully this will suit both @corneliusg, and the rest of us who (have actually added our suggestions to the list, and) prefer having all suggestions easily viewable.
phle ( 2014-02-12 07:41:53 +0200 )edit