Incoming-call pulley: new option "answer with speaker"
I'd love too have the possibility to accept an incoming call with speaker turned on directly.
Of course, turning on the speaker is just an additional tap on the icon, but you can't do that without looking at the display, also it is not very large, so in general it is not so good for use in a car.
Not sure it is a good idea. Prefer to have just single post in this menu. Makes it quicker and easier to answer when you just have to pull down without concern about making a certain selection.
jesperC ( 2014-02-11 23:30:56 +0200 )editI agree with Jesper, more options in the pulley menu for calls means you could accidentally select the wrong option.
I imagine some setting could be implemented to set the Jolla in 'car mode' or something, which would automatically set the phone to speaker mode when a call is answered.
nthn ( 2014-02-11 23:54:19 +0200 )editI oppose this suggestion for the same reasons as above. Alternatively vote for bigger, more intuitive icons on call screen:
Tanghus ( 2014-02-12 04:52:01 +0200 )editIMHO the possibility to select one you did not want to select shouldn't be an argument to only have one item in a menu. What's the point of pulley menus then? Isn't it the main purpose a menu to let the user choose from several items? After all, if you choose the wrong option this leaves you in a state which is easy to repair, it's not like the call is gone then.... @nthn it is not only about cars, I'd like to be able to decide in the moment the call comes in.
tokaru ( 2014-02-12 10:03:06 +0200 )edit"After all, if you choose the wrong option this leaves you in a state which is easy to repair, it's not like the call is gone then..." Well yes, the same thing can be said for your suggestion, it's not like the call is gone if you just answer it normally and then put it on speaker mode.
nthn ( 2014-02-12 11:32:03 +0200 )edit