[request] Insert global search into pulley menu [duplicate]
It would be nice to have search entry in pulley menu, from wich you could search contacts, installed apps and the web. Search function could be similar to global search in N9. edit: never had a n9. But i have a palm pre with just type
that would be awesome.!!!
Miki ( 2013-12-26 21:04:19 +0200 )It would be global search a la N9, so you could search also music, videos etc..
LaruX ( 2013-12-26 21:51:35 +0200 )Edited original question: added the spirit of my previous comment into that ;)
LaruX ( 2013-12-26 21:53:52 +0200 )do you mean the pulley menu on the lock screen? if so, please edit question and title.
AL13N ( 2013-12-26 21:59:52 +0200 )Doesn't need to be a global pulley IMO (there is no global pulley?), but at least the ability to search globally should be there. If it should be possible to place this to a global pulley (ie. available in every pulley menu?) or lock screen pulley, that would a separate idea.
flux ( 2013-12-26 23:41:04 +0200 )