Bug (?): phone does not go to sleep while there is physical movement
To reproduce, unlock the phone and keep moving it / shaking it. As soon as you stop doing it (ie. put it on desk), the countdown begins and in 5 seconds it goes back to sleep.
This behavior is generally present (home screen, in apps...).
EDIT: Simple movements do not keep it awake. Up-down, lateral movements, circular movements are fine. Keep it in your hand parallel to the floor and rotate it at 90 degrees in any direction and back. Make sure you don't touch the screen, to remove any doubts.
(Failed to reproduce this (hold Jolla in one hand, double-tap to wake up, start shaking it while keeping an eye on computer watch with seconds, keep shaking for 10 seconds or until Jolla auto-sleeps).
My Jolla auto-sleeps (just as it should) after 5 seconds, if left on Lock screen.
Do note, that the time-out for Home screen and Launcher is whatever value you've set in Settings → System → Display → "Sleep after ... ", though.)
phle ( 2014-02-21 20:48:02 +0200 )edit@clau: are you sure you don't touch the screen or buttons by accident while shaking the phone?
jsiren ( 2014-02-21 20:52:27 +0200 )edit@phle, try turning it upside down and back (once per second is enough in my case). I have noticed that just moving it up and down doesn't keep it awake.
clau ( 2014-02-21 20:56:21 +0200 )editI am aware of the "Sleep after..." setting, and I can keep the phone awake over the configured timeout just by shaking it.
@jsiren, I am quite certain I don't touch it. Also, I've just cleaned the screen and reproduced it again.
clau ( 2014-02-21 20:58:31 +0200 )editi would vote that this is a feature, not a bug...
kimmoli ( 2014-02-21 21:02:02 +0200 )edit