opencv - sailfishOS IDE
I want to create an Sailfish app for Jolla with C++ and openCV. I worked with openCV and standard computers, but I have no experience with openCV and mobile devices. How do I have to integrate the openCV libraries into the sailfishOS IDE?
If I integrate the standard libraries like in x64 / x86 programs:
INCLUDEPATH += /usr/include/opencv \
/usr/include/opencv2 \
LIBS += -lopencv_core
and include them with:
#include <cv.h>
it is not posiible to use the opencv functions.
Has anybody experiences with openCV, the SailfishOS IDE and Jolla?
You may have more luck with responses and assistance if you ask on #sailfishos on Freenode, you'll find programmers there that should be able to help.
steph ( 2014-03-03 00:15:21 +0200 )edit