Allow for multiple notification destinations
I'm working on porting Rockwatch, an app which allows users to connect their phones with Pebble smart watches, to Sailfish, and one of the key functions of this is to send notifications from the phone to the watch. Currently the notification system on Sailfish implements the org.freedesktop.Notifications system, which is a bit limited in that it assumes there's only ever going to be one application displaying notifications. I've noticed that this has already been extended slightly on Sailfish with the addition of a "GetNotifications" method, but this requires applications to poll for data and to know the names of all applications that might be sending notifications in advance. It'd be much more useful (from my perspective) if the notification server could be extended to emit a signal whenever a new notification is received, so that other applications interested in displaying this information can be made aware of it more efficiently.
This would definitely be a good feature. I desperately want to get my Pebble working with my new Jolla. If this feature would help Rockwatch app development, I'm all for it!
Janzzu ( 2013-12-24 20:20:32 +0200 )editThis question/request mirrors a similar one from me in part, though I do go a bit deeper asking for an entire framework. Still, its needed, and I like the points raised in this question.
arjwright ( 2014-01-09 15:37:36 +0200 )editWhat about a pollable notification buffer?
rdmo ( 2015-04-26 14:46:42 +0200 )edit