Flashlight from lockscreen pulley menu [answered]
would be great to have access to the flashlight from the lockscreen pulley menu indtead of unlocking the device, search for the app and the launch it.
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would be great to have access to the flashlight from the lockscreen pulley menu indtead of unlocking the device, search for the app and the launch it.
After recent OS updates (can't remember in which update it appeared) user can customize the Lockscreen pulley menu and select three favorite apps to be displayed there.
With the Settings > Shortcuts feature (atleast in the current the Flashlight app, among others, can be added and activated in the Lock screen pulley menu.
https://together.jolla.com/question/61134/feature-request-add-option-to-choose-if-pully-shortcuts-start-apps-before-lockscreen/ if you are using it that way, please be aware of that issue
nightmare ( 2015-01-11 11:22:06 +0200 )editHi, see my Answer in an other question. I think, it would be nice, to have such functions in this screen.
We are still looking for a descent position for the setting favourites so how about we put it with them instead of over-crowding the pulley that if we follow through with all requests would hold 6 items already (please be so kind and try to pull settings for me now and see where you land trying to reach a 5th or even a 6th item)?
Or a custom pulley menu. I never use other options than silence and camera.
Other OS's let you launch camera while phone is locked. Would be convenient since I use this almost daily.
PeterSmurffiPan ( 2014-03-10 11:49:22 +0200 )editOther OSs? You mean hardware with a dedicated button or protective sliders! Both N9 and Jolla have a pretty good way to get around it.. N9 has the quick favourites, Jolla has the pulley and as long as that does not get reorganized I can activate the camera in my pocket if I like to. I use all 4 options as they are much quicker than finding the right position to tap on the screen.
chemist ( 2014-03-10 12:34:57 +0200 )editThis thread is public, all members of Together.Jolla.Com can read this page.
Asked: 2014-03-10 08:52:21 +0200
Seen: 465 times
Last updated: Jan 11 '15
[Implemented in] Personalization of the pulley menu in lock screen [released]
Let options in pulley menu be available even if phone locked [duplicate]
Access camera when phone is locked. [duplicate]
[Implemented in] After screen time out, return to last active app [released]
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"Always-on" time on lock screen
Music controls should be more easily accessible after waking. [duplicate]
Combine app close and pulley menu
why not put it in favorites? one gesture down + start the app?
t0mps0 ( 2014-03-10 08:57:48 +0200 )editThat would require something taken off it, it's fairly lengthy as it is.
fercen ( 2014-03-10 09:10:49 +0200 )edit@fercen the same applies for the pulley-menu, 4 items is the maximum usable if you keep in mind that it needs to be controllable from within 2/3rd of the display.
chemist ( 2014-03-10 11:18:39 +0200 )edit@chemist That's what I was referring to.
fercen ( 2014-03-10 11:39:50 +0200 )editah ok thought you ment launcher favourites...
chemist ( 2014-03-10 12:29:10 +0200 )edit