Parrot Audio Suite not working
Hi all! I was wondering if somebody else tried to use bluetooth with an android app. In my case I'd like to set my BT headphone Parrot Zik with the Parrot Audio Suite, and though the headphone is working fine with the Jolla phone (playing/pause, volume up/down, previous/next track), the android app never finds the device.
I read that it may come from the implementation of BT, which can be different from an android app to another... Do you know if there's a solution? Would the package bluez from nieldk on openrepos have an effect, or is it just linked to Alien Dalvik?
Thanks for your answers !
I believe the bluetooth is not yet working through Android: I mean no Android application can talk yet to a bluetooth device paired with the Jolla phone. It should come one day though ;) maybe next update ?!
pat_o ( 2014-03-10 13:09:46 +0200 )edit