Workaround for viewing MMS messages
I created a simple scripted workaround to view incoming mms messages. This script is created for Finnish DNA operator, but should be easy to modify it to any other operator that sends credentials trough sms, serves a web-page for viewing mms and passes arguments as GET.
- The script queries the latest sms arrived from a predetermined number (DNA 14000), Filters out the MMS identification code based on it's location in the message.
- Parses the MMS identification code and user phonenumber to the browser as part of the URL
- Opens the browser
/home/nemo/ (create as nemo, remember to chmod +x)
#substr(fieldName,position -fromEnd,stringLenght)
#14000 DNA number where the notification sms comes from
mmsid=$(sqlite3 /home/nemo/.local/share/commhistory/commhistory.db 'select substr(freeText,-29,13) from events where remoteuid="14000" order by id desc limit 1;')
#alter the URL according to your operators page just add $mmsid and $tel to appropriate places
#open browser
sailfish-browser $url
/usr/share/applications/checkmms.desktop (needs devel-su)
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Check MMS
Comment=Terminal application
It's ugly and probably violates all possible best practices, but it works for me. Might also serve as a starting point for a real app...
Hopefully it's helpful to someone...
Looks like MMS is coming with the next update:
Neo ( 2014-03-18 23:28:58 +0200 )editGood thing I managed to do this before it gets obsolete =)
akhbit ( 2014-03-18 23:31:59 +0200 )edit