2014-03-24 16:38:24 +0200
Here is a mockup of how I plan to adapt the current UI of Mæp to be able to input user comments during tracking. What I have in mind is the following :
- one can add a new comment on the last GPS point only (i.a. add comment while tracking) ;
- one can modify previously entered comments.
- points with comments are highlighted on the map view.
To add track comments, open the track management with the top pulley menu as currently in the 1.3.7-12 version. The track management drawer contains information about the current track, plus will contain a new text entry. Typing something in the text entry and validate will add a new track comment on the current GPS point. The two icons previous and next beside the entry can be used to navigate between the already entered comments and modify them if necessary.

In the above example (current GPS is the blue ball), I'm editing / viewing the second comment specifying that it's the location of the Ta Cu temple, to be added later in OSM (all temple infrastructure is missing in this area).
Do you think it's a valid approach ? Am I missing something ? Would anyone like to modify something in the UI before implementing ? Is it too messy ?
EDIT 2014/04/22: the waypoint addition and modification capabilities are now possible in Mæp 1.4.0 in OpenRepos. The final UI implementation is a bit different from the mockup above not to take too much screen space from the map, but information should be there more or less.
May I ask how you would like to handle waypoints ? I'm developing Maep and I can implement missing features. The current way of saving tracks from GPS is not suitable for you ?
By the way, I'm working on the implementation of uploads of tracks to OSM directly from Maep. It should be available in a coming version.
Damien Caliste ( 2014-03-22 15:34:51 +0200 )editThis would be a very welcome addition.
richardski ( 2014-03-22 16:26:18 +0200 )editI just want to add some points and give names to it. Like "busstation", "bridge" or "Factory XY" you know what I mean?
TomTomGalore ( 2014-03-23 00:54:54 +0200 )editDo you want to add information like bridge or street name while acquisition or later modifying an already acquired track ?
Currently I'm thinking about adding while tracking a small comment to the last acquired track point, so one can add notes for later proper OSM addition. Would it suit your need ?
Damien Caliste ( 2014-03-23 12:23:07 +0200 )editFor me it's enough to save a point in the gpx data, and give it a individual name.
I can edit this on OSM later.
TomTomGalore ( 2014-03-23 15:23:51 +0200 )edit