Why does Jolla Oy seem to concentrate more on Android compatability then Jolla itself?
I edited my question here now, as I think the question is still valid, but of course some things changed in the last 8 months. I tried to consider the changes by editing (deleting/inserting) the text. But still I have the feeling that Jolla could do more to support there own hardware and software and native ecosystem.
Allthough I might get blamed for this question, I'll ask it anyway.
So far I think Jolla did a great job with releasing it's first smartphone and providing Sailfish OS as successor of Maemo/Meego.
But: almost 4 months12 months after the initial release there are still many issues open.
To name a few:
Caldav supportimplementedFolder supportimplementedEnable 4G/LTEimplemented- Support for paid apps in Harbour Still nothing after almost 12 months now!
- Support for QT APIs Still nothing after almost 12 months now!
Some of those issues are probably responsible for some developers not going to support Sailfish in its current state. Some are probably responsible for users not wanting to buy a phone without those features.
So I think there are many issues open, that have a severe effect on Jollas business (i.e. not selling devices, no revenue from sold applications, etc.).
Also there is this unique "The Other Half" feature but there seems to be nothing done from Jolla's side to enable it (despite those Angry-Birds-TOH that is).there seems to be only one brave group of hobbiest now creating the keyboard OH, but nothing else from Jolla or 3rd party which could be because Jolla does not really promote it as they promote Android for example.
But Jolla seems to concentrate on Android compatibility, just announcing first test images of sailfish for the Nexus 4 and announcing work on ports for other android devices and the jolla stella launcher for android.
There seems to be no information about next release for our Jollas. There is no roadmap to see when which feature/bugfix will be introduced.Due to the continued android support it seems as if updates for sailfish OS frequency went down.
So this is, why my question isstill remains:
Why does Jolla Oy seem to concentrate more on Android compatability then Jolla itself?
I think you answered your own question already, when you said "after 4 months".. Let's talk about it when/if the situation is the same after 2 years.
Acce ( 2014-03-31 18:28:18 +0200 )editA short explanation to this question was given on the Jolla Pioneer Fans Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/jollapioneer/permalink/613377992085002/?comment_id=613563992066402&offset=0&total_comments=11
nthn ( 2014-03-31 18:28:44 +0200 )edit@Acce Uh. I wouldn't say so. Almost every vendor out there concentrated on their own eco system from the beginning. Offering a store with paid apps at the time the device was released. And they offered support for all developers wanting to develop apps for their devices. Jolla not so. I know from a lot of developers that supported Symbian and the N9 (Meego Harmattan), that waited for some months but now don't want to wait any longer.
naytsyrhc ( 2014-03-31 18:31:45 +0200 )edit@nthn Unfortunately I can't read that explanation as I don't have a facebook account and will surely not register one.
naytsyrhc ( 2014-03-31 18:32:29 +0200 )edit"As a general note on Sailfish to devices; you should also see it as us being a bit more open about how we practically prepare SailfishOS for new Jolla devices. It's not something that takes away from Jolla or SailfishOS development, in practice it helps making it more scalable, able to fit into more kinds of hardware, fixes bad assumptions, etc."
"they [bug fixes and new features] are prioritised. Imagine an always moving train - that's SailfishOS, sometimes you need to prepare for what comes next around the corner - and do research, planning, preperation. Jolla device has an underlying Android hardware adaptation and so would a future one likely too. In order to limit amount of trouble you have for making more SailfishOS devices, you need to keep your stack up to date, or it becomes obsolete and unable to scale to let's say, bigger displays, different chipsets, different form factors. It's the death that happened to projects like Symbian - they were no longer able to scale. Porting to android devices, helps keeping the stack able to scale and extend - before it's too late. The same bug fixes that gets put into SailfishOS because of this, makes their way to Jolla devices too."
nthn ( 2014-03-31 18:38:44 +0200 )edit