Jolla store logout issue
I got a new LastUCase with its own White TOH, wooden backing and leather flip cover. I removed my existing TOH and attached the new one. It looked great... and then I tried to access Jolla Store and discovered that I had been logged out. I attempted to Sign-In using the pulley menu on the Jolla Store app, entered my credentials and then hit Sign In. I got the following error message:
Ooops, problem with account creation! You already have a Jolla account on this device.
That seems weird to me... I wasn't trying to create an account... just sign in.
I resolved the whole problem by going to Settings -> Accounts and deleting my Jolla account there. Then I added it again, and used the Sign In option there, which worked fine.
After that Jolla Store was working fine.
I'm posting this just in case someone else runs into a similar issue.
By the way... other than a small shipping issue that resulted in my LastUCase taking much longer to arrive than expected... I cannot recommend this case enough. My Jolla looks even better than it did before (I know that's hard to believe) and it has my IRC nick engraved neatly on the back. Personalization like I've never had before ;)
roboro ( 2014-04-04 12:27:36 +0200 )edit