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How would a SailfishOS wearable look to you?

asked 2014-04-10 20:31:07 +0300

Imagine that you had a smartwatch - that was capable of running SailfishOS. Imagine dual-core ARM, 800-900mhz, 512mb and 320x320 resolution, 4gb storage. And possibly other hardware capabilities such as Bluetooth IP networking, 3G data, (ideas welcome).. and wireless charging on the night table.

How would a SailfishOS wearable look like in your view and what should/could it do?

Remember that answers can contain images, uploaded or linked for those of you who are skilled in mocking things up graphically.

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Why not fix the phone's problems first... :P

roboro ( 2014-04-10 21:28:55 +0300 )edit

Because you have to keep research going to be on the edge :) Else you'll end up with suddenly not having any ideas or directions to pursue.

Stskeeps ( 2014-04-11 11:13:48 +0300 )edit

Or you end up starting new projects and never finishing them

ZogG ( 2014-04-11 14:03:31 +0300 )edit

Can you explain what exactly sailfish os can provide as unique feature? And what is the difference between it and any other wearables or mobile system except few UI concepts?

ZogG ( 2014-04-11 14:05:22 +0300 )edit

So : Marketing people explain us that smartphone must have > 5" screens and stop providing sub 4" (like N9 or 808) high range smartphone because they are too small.... and then want to have us leave it in a pocket (or a bag if it doesn't fit) and interact with it on a 1" display on our arm ? Add to this that we we need two hands (or at least one arm and one hand) to interact with a smartwatch, whereas the sub 4" inch smartphone was designed for one hand... No need to say I can't help you there !

zeta ( 2014-04-12 17:23:30 +0300 )edit

18 Answers

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answered 2014-04-10 21:18:13 +0300

Yaniel gravatar image

updated 2014-04-10 21:19:19 +0300

I could imagine using it as a generic remote for things and for notifications. Sysadmins might like to wire it up to show system/network stats.

Also as a pseeudo-remote NFC tag: NFC for authenticating etc is nice but you have to make contact, ask for user approval and make contact again (or hold contact long enough but this can be tricky for the user) to confirm/authenticate/whatever. A smartwatch could make this easier: make contact with one device -> another (securely paired) asks for approval and submits the result to the first one which proceeds with whatever it asked about.

With 4gb storage I guess it would also be a viable alternative for a USB stick, with the bonus of additional features being easy to implement (encryption for example: it can even be completely transparent to other devices, locking and unlocking done via the touchscreen)

Other than as an indicator, sensor (- base station) or a simple remote I find the watch format a bit problematic from a user perspective. Touchscreen gestures sure do help there but the screen is really small and it kind of ties your hands together since one is wearing it and you need to use the other one to operate it.

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answered 2014-04-10 21:19:43 +0300

sevanteri gravatar image

Multitasking has been really important for me always (N810, N900, N9, Jolla). I have to say that I would want multitasking in my smartwatch too, despite the small display. So cover actions should be there too of course. But as it would be a small display, maybe the visible cover count should be limited say, to 4. Covers actions of course too. And tapping the cover would open the app in full screen as you'd expect.

The size of the cover would change dynamically. One app open: cover is full screen. Two apps open: covers would be side by side or one above the other (changeable somehow?). Three apps open: two apps side by side and one below/above them. Four apps open: all covers the same size.

Maybe these groups of covers could be paged? Like swiping from left and right would change the cover group (something I'd like to see in the phone too) as changing the ambience might not be as important in a watch.

Pushing up would show the app list just like in the phone. A lock screen might not be so important.

Otherwise than the side swipe in home screen, the swipes would work just as the phone's. Up to down closes the app and shutsdown the screen. Side swipes let you peek and hide the app. Down to up would show notifications.

Maybe a bit too obvious ideas. Just stuff you'd expect from SailfishOS anyway. :)

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What is the function of the lock screen besides preventing accidental interaction with the phone? Lock screen would be a just the same as the lock screen on the phone: A screen that gives us information on a quick glance. A clock, notifications and any other valuable information... exactly what a proper smartwatch should do first.

Toxip ( 2014-10-20 20:10:39 +0300 )edit

SailfishOS does have great potential on wearables too. Gestures work well on small screen and the OS is already very lightweight! Now would be the best time enter the wearable market since the OSs in market aren't so well established yet (Even Samsung's Tizen is doing pretty well on this front). This would of course require more resources, which it quite obviously lacks, and we certainly wouldn't want them taking those resources from SailfishOS development on phones.

Toxip ( 2014-10-20 20:36:42 +0300 )edit

Wouldn't it be better to have the ambiance switcher allow changing the clock face as well? And if you had more than 4 apps open, scrolling down would reveal more pages. Also bear in mind that smartwatches have quite limited hardware so it probably couldn't handle more than 4 anyways.

Toxip ( 2014-10-20 21:55:13 +0300 )edit

answered 2014-04-10 21:29:03 +0300

mariano gravatar image

You can say i like retro stuff

image description

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very good +1 :-)

Claudio ( 2014-04-10 22:51:16 +0300 )edit

As long as the UI of SailfishOS follows this: one-armed gestures then appended hand (tap swipe with another hand) gestures, finally context (time, pace, location, etc.) device behaviors should be the evolution within the UI.

A wearable that needs your other hand in order for it to be mostly-usable isn't all that smart.

arjwright ( 2014-04-13 22:13:01 +0300 )edit

answered 2014-04-10 21:33:17 +0300

updated 2014-04-15 19:03:52 +0300

It would look like the Nokia Luna.

image description

No screen. User configurable web services. Kinetic charging.

EDIT #1: hehehe, no responses to this. Let's expand a bit.

EDIT #2: expanded on the kinetic/motion charging idea

The ideal wearable doesn't need a smartphone or an other device to be its parent. It has to be able to perform all the functions of on-demand and context-aware computing while also supplanting functions that mobiles do which they are a kludge at.

Since SailfishOS is a an operating system first, it should espouse to work with any open web services. Therefore, the wearable can pull a "use any one or a combination of web services" in order to serve the wearer (not consumer, wearer). Once those services are configured, then the wearable only needs to live in its shell when its charging, or when its driving another screen. The Nokia Luna, being a 2-part device fits this well.

  • The ear piece is the main unit having the voice recognition and biometrics components within it
  • (see the newly added image) the cradle would be something that could either be wirelessly charged, or attached to a screen so that voice prompts with the ear piece have a visual focus
  • additional cradle laynard would have the kinetic/in-motion charging as described below

I don't miss on the idea of kinetic charging because we also know that the ear is one of the better places to do things like stay out of sight, get vitals, and even be responsive. Using the body-movement factor as a means to push the right wearable cases.

  • The straightforward design case for this is that the cradle/layard piece would be an item that either looks like a piece of jewelry (a trinket on a purse or something on one's keychain); making it pocketable and still beautiful enough to be put on a desk, countertop, etc.
  • Tying the ability for the device to stay functional by having this motion-added feature allows for contexts where its not simply being connected that matters, but being in motion on the way to/from a connected experience
  • We know from watches that something like this is possible, but also in recent research that we aren't able to harvest enough energy from motion to make this work efficiently - so some R&D needs to be pushed here
  • Original thoughts on kinetic charging accessories, refined thoughts on kinetic charging accessories

If SailfishOS wants to swim... let's make our own currents.

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what the hell is that? Where are your wearing it, insert into the a$$?

Larswad ( 2014-10-21 13:58:31 +0300 )edit

answered 2014-04-10 21:49:10 +0300

Slavov Welsinksi gravatar image

The technology to make this happen is finally here.

image description image description

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A Symbian Watch!? :)

torcida ( 2014-04-10 23:47:43 +0300 )edit

@torcida hehe :D

Slavov Welsinksi ( 2014-04-11 00:03:09 +0300 )edit

its nokia morph concept

Ghost ( 2014-10-21 08:29:33 +0300 )edit

answered 2014-04-10 22:35:52 +0300

ApB gravatar image

If it is supposed to work complementary to a phone then we have done something really really wrong with the design of our phones.

Yes i am not yet convinced that wearables are the "future" and i believe this craze will somehow fade away until the technology is there. With what is currently available i don't believe that we can have something really groundbreaking and useful.

As a standalone device -and assuming the tech is there- it should be able to do what your phone/pc (those have converged and will continue to do so) does. Communicate (voice, camera), be able to provide you with all the info you need, entertain you, and more importantly NOT GET IN YOUR WAY.

The way i imagine it -we are talking future tech here- is something like the violently ugly mockup bellow. A small band around your wrist with a small screen for the basic stuff and a retractable screen for when you need more real estate. Battery life for days. No need for huge storage. Just all the connectivity you need to be connected with your private cloud all the time (this is PC everywhere era remember).image description

Things like google glass make you look like an idiot (prime example -> http://laughingsquid.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/20130502-10090613-6.jpg and more of it http://whitemenwearinggoogleglass.tumblr.com/ ) and also having things hanging from your ear (headsets) are equally horrid.

As i said the tech for something like that is not there yet. Anything else will more likely end up in a drawer as soon as the novelty wears off.

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There is now a project called Cicret out there as brought to our attention by @Dung Danghere. It's a bracelet with a micro projector.

Youtube project video.

Alex ( 2015-02-25 15:57:48 +0300 )edit

answered 2014-04-10 22:54:16 +0300

Wizah gravatar image

Would be something really simple like Suunto watches. I also don't want to recharge my watch all the time because I don't remove it even while sleeping :)
image description

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What would be an acceptable amount of time between chargings?

Stskeeps ( 2014-04-13 09:02:38 +0300 )edit

@Stskeeps acceptable would be 3-5 days. very nice would be 5-8 days. More than 8 days, if it doesn't need to sync to a mobile would be very nice.

arjwright ( 2014-04-14 03:28:04 +0300 )edit

answered 2014-04-10 23:36:01 +0300

chemist gravatar image

duplicate of https://together.jolla.com/question/30409/jolla-anchor-bluetooth-gadget/ I just did not ask for something heavy as a watch but it was about a wearable item

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answered 2014-04-11 10:10:06 +0300

tvicol gravatar image

There are too many bugs in my phone to thing to anything else. Your Jolla will finally sink if all these bugs are not addressed in a timely manner. Ok, I understand, there are no applications, SDK is in alpha etc., but at least give us a stable and bug free phone. First I would fix all Jolla phone bugs, than I'll focus to bring SDK to a stable release. After that I can focus to make/port existing wearable applications to Jolla - Pebble etc. Only by doing this you will already learn a lot, make existing customers happy and you may think to make your own top quality Jolla wearable - oled, sapphire coated, titanium case, bla bla bla. So, please Jolla, dreaming is nice, but now you need to focus your entire resources on existing product, which BTW is far, far away from what I expect a smartphone to be. Sorry, IMHO this is naked truth.

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I agree that they should first focus on fixing and improving their current product before moving on to new products and they know that very well. Jolla staff have been working hard on bringing monthly updates to the OS and have fixed a lot of things. That's an incredible feat, especially for a small company like Jolla. In my opinion there's not really that many bugs in SailfishOS. It just lacks some features that you'd expect to have on a more mature mobile OS, but that should be obvious, right?

That however doesn't mean we shouldn't look forward to new innovations and ideas. You should always think one step ahead! :)

PS. Honestly, I think SailfishOS looks a lot better than Android ever did in its early days :P

Toxip ( 2014-10-20 21:14:51 +0300 )edit

answered 2014-04-12 15:08:21 +0300

ossi1967 gravatar image

I'd certainly not want a watch type of thing. The thought of having anything touch my skin makes me feel the sweet building up beneath it on a hot summer day here in the city. :( I'd leave it at home more often than not.

Wearable could also mean that you clip something onto your clothes (your sleeves, key ring, the inner pocket of a jacket,...) or alternatively onto something you already wear around your wrist right now (which could be anything from your leather wrist cuff to your Hello Kitty watch).

What should it do? The poor display and the lack of proper text input are my main concern. I'd expect it to be a source of information, some type of window that I can move around a scene of multitasking applications. Nothing fancy, just time, RSS-headlines, weather, traffic info, calendar events, mail notifications...

I'd also expect there'd be a mode that circles through the most interesting sources of information which I have previously selected. In this mode, personalisation would be key: Certain items (like time) I would want to be shown for a few moments, then be replaced be the next ones. Others (like mail notifications) I'd prefer to stay on the screen until I tap to confirm I've seen them. For some RSS-feeds, all unread items should be part of the circle. For others, I want to see only items updated during the last 2 hours or so. Etc.

The wearable gadget must act as an audio player, of course. The size of the display may not be ideal for video playback, but still... watching the live stream with news from my local TV station in low quality is better than nothing.

It should also interact with a main phone, but must not depend on it for proper operation. So you'd mute and reject calls (or redirect to the wearable device for awkward social situations), read text messages etc on the wearable device. Applications that run on the phone may also "drop" information to the wearable device that allows me to consume them when the phone's not in reach. Like: An application on the phone informs me in real time about various data from my city's public transport system. No matter where I am, all I really need is departure information from two underground stations. So I select these snippets of information on the phone, "drop" them to the wearable device... and will be informed about those two stations whenever I swipe to the corresponding frame, even if my phone's at home and turned off.

The device should be a versatile remote control and use various channels for that: bluetooth, wifi and yes, infrared.

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Asked: 2014-04-10 20:31:07 +0300

Seen: 3,161 times

Last updated: Nov 19 '14