802.1x wifi connection stopped working after upgrading to
Right after performing the upgrade to (Paarlampi) my jolla stopped connecting to my enterprise network (802.1x MSCHAP v2) through the script i previously created and had been working fine since
Any additional changes in connman in Paarlampi that i need to know so i change the script and make the connection work again?
Thanks in advance, xxhell
This is the log from wpa_supplicant (/var/log):
xxhell ( 2014-04-15 18:10:51 +0200 )editSeems like no one cares about this question (although has a way better title than others) so, for the sake of problem solving, please refer to this question to solve your problem: https://together.jolla.com/question/315/wpa2-pskaesothers-wifi-support-needed-workaround/
xxhell ( 2014-05-07 18:44:07 +0200 )edit