Possibility to mirror Jolla updates [not relevant]
Make it possible to mirror the Jolla updates and the complete Jolla system (shop and so on). This would help to reduce the load on Jolla shop servers.
We have moved to a new Sailfish OS Forum. Please start new discussions there.
Make it possible to mirror the Jolla updates and the complete Jolla system (shop and so on). This would help to reduce the load on Jolla shop servers.
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Asked: 2013-12-27 19:19:29 +0200
Seen: 309 times
Last updated: Dec 27 '13
Slow software updating in jolla store [not relevant]
Mail doesn't update in Store [answered]
add check for version number when checking for app updates
Newer versions of apps in Jolla Store, initially installed from outside Jolla Store
Reset my device now it won't update
Jolla store stubborn update notifications [released]
Show version numbers of updates in Notifications and My apps view
[feature-request] Ability to prevent app from updating
What name is used to sign comment on application in Jolla store? [answered]
This may be related to another question?
phle ( 2013-12-27 19:37:18 +0200 )editCould sailfish/apps updates be distributed using bittorrent ?
No because I mean a real mirror network like debian or centos mirrors.
Sailor ( 2013-12-28 00:02:36 +0200 )edit@Sailor: Ok.
phle ( 2013-12-28 00:11:04 +0200 )editIn that case, it may definitely be a good idea
- and if not for the complete shop, then at least for these SailfishOS versions to begin with.
Yes, SailfishOS would be a beginning.
Sailor ( 2013-12-28 00:40:55 +0200 )editShall that be more of a request for update system to be more reliable? :) Mirroring could be one possible solution, but the real point is to just have updates working reliably, right? And I guess it will get more reliable with experience anyway.
Artem ( 2013-12-30 01:13:48 +0200 )edit