2014-04-14 12:26:37 +0200
I believe that someone has packaged imagemagick for sailfishos in openrepos. Using that, it should be fairly straightforward to convert any image to PDF (or to any other image format you want). Imagemagick is a command line tool, so I guess that makes it awkward to use for the average user. I am sure that it wouldn't take much effort to create a quick qml interface with a C++ or Python wrapper that calls imagemagick's 'convert' command to produce a pdf. As for saving it on the cloud, this would just depend on where you actually want to save it.
In my opinion, there is not a whole lot to be gained from converting to PDF... since that's just embedding the image anyway. Jolla's native gallery application provides you with a 'Share' facility that allows you to upload you images to the cloud anyway...
If you can explain what the value of the conversion to PDF adds... then I might consider looking at building something like the wrapper described above. But personally, I think that developing a whole separate application is a waste of effort. What would be nice is for the default Jolla Gallery to offer the option to convert image formats... preferably with to option to keep the original. Then again, I'm not that fussed about formats either... so no pressure from me on adding this sort of functionality to Gallery.
a tool to save a picture as pdf is unneeded... why store a picture in a pdf if there is nothing else in the pdf? But, what you are looking for is a document scanner... a tool to take pictures of documents and crop/enhance-text, right?
chemist ( 2014-04-14 14:50:30 +0200 )edit