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SIP (voip) native integration

asked 2013-12-24 19:52:28 +0200

updated 2019-08-11 23:28:22 +0200

olf gravatar image

[INFO] 2019-08-11 - In case anyone in the community is willing to work on implementing SIP integration please contact jolla is said in the IRC community meeting 2019-08-08 (see 08:33:16 abranson), "there was an invitation for anyone in the community who wanted to work on that to get access to the sources they need.".

[INFO] 2015-05-16 - Feature Announced on SailfishOS Roadmap

SIP and other VoIP protocols are a desired feature in Sailfish. Most of the bits and pieces are already there and can be made to work somewhat. See @Aard 's response and also various comments in this item. It's been made clear by Jolla, that this is not a high priority feature for them, but community help would be appreciated and could accelerate its integration. As the community has pretty much exhausted their possibilities and done things in the open source parts of Sailfish, it's now up to Jolla to eventually hold their part of the bargain. To remind them this has been placed on the agenda for the next community meeting.

Current status (1.):

  • Telepathy framework is in place
  • Telepathy Rakia and Sofia-SIP are available from official repositories and can be installed

    pkcon install sofia-sip
    pkcon install telepathy-rakia
  • A simple pulse-audio config tweak exists to make call audio work for testing (speaker/top-mic only). put the following in /etc/pulse/xpolicy.conf . then systemctl restart pulseaudio.service .

    exe = voicecall-manager
    group = call
  • It is possible to set up an SIP account using mc-tool (you'll need to reboot after installing the programs above)

    mc-tool add sofiasip/sip name string:account=user@host
    mc-tool update sofiasip/sip/name string:password=passw0rd
    mc-tool enable sofiasip/sip/name
    mc-tool request sofiasip/sip/name online
    mc-tool reconnect sofiasip/sip/name
  • Receiving calls works (note audio limitations)

  • Audio routing is currently not supported (this especially means, that headsets, neither wired nor bluetooth will work)
  • There is no accounts UI for SIP
  • No easy way to place outbound calls (Using Nemo and it's dialer UI on a Jolla device allows to place a call)

    need the reproducer for this... is this mc-tool as well?

We as the community should step in and help figure out some missing bits, especially considering the last two items. Also SIP calls need more testing, so apply the workaround and use it. Note that call quality for VoIP from mobile devices is generally expected to be lower than mobile phone calls due to factors like WiFi congestion and low quality audio codecs.

Please refrain from:

  • posting how much of a vital, ground breaking, magical, awesome, silver bullet feature it is. It's not, it's just a nice to have, also such messages just cause massive spam in people's inboxes, they add zero value, so please don't.
  • posting that "Jolla still didn't deliver this, ZOMG!", well DUH, no sh*t Sherlock, they've made it clear they won't, if it's going to be delivered someone will add a note and close this. Also this causes annoying spam for many people, so please don't.

Original question

One of the features that I'm missing most from Nokia N9 is the native (and really well done) SIP integration. As far as I know there should be an opensource library that is used also by other clients like CSipSimple for Android or a couple of them on BB10. The missing part is the client and the integration with Jolla dialer.

Request: please integrate a native SIP client in Jolla.

p.s: do you think this could be a completly opensource application (made entirely by the community) or, since we want to integrate it in the dialer, it must be done by you?

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...sending an sms through betamax kind of service would be great if added together!

petros ( 2013-12-24 22:59:36 +0200 )edit
  • +1 for this request and the relative integration into the contact field as " sip number" or similar. Like n900 has..
pizzulicchio ( 2013-12-26 01:17:03 +0200 )edit

And for business use SIPS support is needed.

PJW_2273 ( 2013-12-27 14:19:28 +0200 )edit

request NetVoip.ch SIP profile settings with push notification and ring available

redge73 ( 2014-01-03 21:50:07 +0200 )edit

"Will definitely be done at some point" is really not an answer that would justify closing this one.

Julf ( 2014-01-11 12:04:00 +0200 )edit

30 Answers

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answered 2013-12-24 22:54:50 +0200

Aard gravatar image

Some parts for that are already there (and we did actually do a test SIP call from CLI a while back): Our dialer uses telepathy, and supports multiple telepathy accounts. telepathy-rakia is available on the device. So what is currently missing is the accounts glue between telepathy-rakia and the dialer.

The missing parts will definitely be done at some point, but we can't give an estimate yet.

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Just my two cents: On the N9 it was only possible to dial digits, no letters, also for SIP. If you wanted to call e.g. someone@sip-hosli.com, you would have to create a contact first and then make the call from there. This was kind of annoying.

Venty ( 2013-12-27 16:31:54 +0200 )edit

i hope client used with simple asterisk server would be possible to (like asterisk of FritzBox router)...

Miki ( 2013-12-28 15:21:44 +0200 )edit

So does saying "we might do it at some point" mean the issue is resolved and closed?

Julf ( 2014-01-10 17:50:41 +0200 )edit

i installed telepathy-rakia, and added an account (mc-tool add sofiasip/sip), but when trying to connect to the sip, there was some DBUS issue about not finding owner and it didn't want to proceed... what am i doing wrong?

AL13N ( 2014-01-21 11:27:49 +0200 )edit

i did the following:

pkcon install sofia-sip
pkcon install telepathy-rakia
mc-tool add sofiasip/sip name string:account=user@host
mc-tool update sofiasip/sip/name string:password=passw0rd
mc-tool enable sofiasip/sip/name
mc-tool request sofiasip/sip/name online
mc-tool reconnect sofiasip/sip/name

and i got an error about "DBUS owner" and it didn't want to proceed...

AL13N ( 2014-01-21 11:39:39 +0200 )edit

answered 2018-05-22 12:20:21 +0200

ExPLIT gravatar image

We had a discussion between German SailfishOS Community Members and Markko Sauko, Jolla Chief engenieer, during the Berlin MeetUp on 17.05.2018

The status of telepathy-rakia and sofia-sip is almost 95% ready. There are 5% missing to make it run in the UI. At the moment, SIP is working through command line without Audio Routing (No BT-Headsets etc.) So this required small amount of work to make it ready. That would make many users happy, mainly in Germany, because allmost every German SailfishOS-User has SIP-Server at home :)

Pleas Jolla, show us some love! I'm very happy to help with testing and debugging.

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So do I. :)


Pasko ( 2018-05-24 15:48:11 +0200 )edit

Hi! Could you please explain how to run SIP from the command line? That would be great until the UI.is working. Br

goliatl ( 2018-07-11 20:46:00 +0200 )edit

I guess no news here available, right?

Picanha ( 2018-08-06 16:18:45 +0200 )edit

Any news about the actual status?

TW1920 ( 2019-06-29 19:49:37 +0200 )edit

Please do feel free to elaborate on how SIP works from command line. There is a post about how to initiate a call on https://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?t=67776 which looks similar enough to be relevant. Clearly some dbus interfaces and/or addresses have changed. I can't figure out how.

sampi ( 2019-08-07 19:54:57 +0200 )edit

answered 2017-08-30 14:48:19 +0200

Picanha gravatar image

updated 2017-08-31 10:53:39 +0200

Already some news here?

Nowadays, VoIP/SIP-support should be an absolutely basic feature in any existing mobile operating system. Right now it seems like there is not any small resource available at Jolla to finish this project?

I want to remember: This feature was already announced on 05/16/2015, but it has never been completed! Furthermore, the current topic has 659 thumbs up and more than 20.000 views... So why to treat this demand that neglected?

SIP has so many great advantages:

  • Accessibility and usability of your local landline home number from all over the world - only network access is required (either WiFi or 3G/4G/5G)
  • Benefit about use of your home price rates to do calls, fully independent of your current location (e. g. for using common call-flatrates to call landline numbers and/or mobile numbers for free)
  • Free calls to your home number for all call partners (if they have a landline flatrate), independent where you are right now (holidays, in foreign countries, work, etc.)
  • Free calls from your unique SIP-address to other SIP-addresses
  • Free group calls on landline
  • Free group calls from SIP to SIP
  • Use of the same telephone number on different devices at the same time
  • Use of different telephone numbers from different cities/countries at the same time
  • Incoming calls can ring all connected phones (cell phones with SIP and SIP-home phones) completely at the same time
  • SRTP/ZRTP transport encryption: At least for the way from your device to the SIP-provider, or even better: To your final call partner with modern end-to-end-encryption (!)
  • A great number of SIP-clients available for all different kinds of platforms, for example mobile (Android, iOS), Desktop (Windows, macOS, Linux), different Servers, etc.
  • SIP is easily usable with your cellphone and with corded/cordless VoIP-home phones as an alternative to your outdated classic home phone - all at the same time!
  • For wish of additional use of a SIP home phone at home: Only plug it's base station into the router via RJ-45 (or link a cordless phone to the router directly, if the router itself already provides VoIP-services like Fritz!Box).
  • Run your own SIP-server if you want to get even more advantages in control of your data, privacy etc.
  • Don't get in trouble if your current landline provider wants to stop the old ISDN system because of his upgrade to current VoIP-infrastructure - you are already one step ahead...

Probably there are even more advantages which I didn't encounter... Think about possible new Xperia X-customers who have to be attracted by a new operating system...

Jolla, please go ahead and build some contemporary implementation (including encryption)! :-) Everybody is talking about the need of native apps - this would be a first step...

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everytime when my sip-call(in third party client) distrupted by gsm-call i remember that topic

ricky-ticky ( 2017-08-30 15:16:28 +0200 )edit

SIP is very important and much needed . Dear Jolla Please remember that you promised it in the roadmap. Most importantly we need a native VOIP solution. How long do you expect people to use android apps just for making a voip call?

pavi ( 2017-08-30 15:23:44 +0200 )edit

On my N900 works SIP/VOIP perfectly. This is long time ago and Maemo was the basis from MeeGo and SailfishOS. Please remember this feed for your future roadmap.

chris_bavaria ( 2017-08-30 15:59:42 +0200 )edit

I'm struggling with android softphones on my Jolla1, no sound or crashes every now and then. A real native sip support would go a long way, for me this feature is essential. I dream on the day I will receive my new Sony hardware with Sailfish OS having full SIP support!

2739d ( 2017-08-30 22:49:35 +0200 )edit

...and it is the base of VoLTE. It should be called SIPoLTE.

cy8aer ( 2017-09-01 01:16:23 +0200 )edit

answered 2015-11-20 10:26:13 +0200

dmnk gravatar image

updated 2015-11-20 10:29:17 +0200

at least someone seems to be working on this task.

pkcon install jolla-settings-accounts-extensions-sip

brings the SIP account creation page :) as i've canceled my sip subscription some months ago, i can't test the usability of this one right now :/

Notice: requires SFOS 2.0

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Nice! Unfortunately I don't know how to make it work. There is no SIP option in Presence-mode to go online and I can't make any calls (in & out). I installed above mentioned frameworks, but no success. So this nice looking SIP extension doesn't seem to setup anything yet.

Maybe someone else has more success or knowledge to make it work - could as well be that something's wrong with my entered login information.

molan ( 2015-11-20 14:35:09 +0200 )edit

Installed successfully on SFOS

So, which part exactly requires SFOS 2.0?

Quawerty ( 2015-11-20 15:10:37 +0200 )edit

Installed jolla-settings-accounts-extensions-sip, could config SIP account, can see jolla-device registered on sip-provider as "Telepathy-Rakia/0.7.4 sofia-sip/1.12.11", but same problem her: found no option in telephone app to choose provider.

thessy ( 2015-11-20 15:14:49 +0200 )edit

Great! Did:

pkcon install sofia-sip

pkcon install telepathy-rakia

pkcon install jolla-settings-accounts-extensions-sip

and configured my sip account in settings->account->sip

I can receive/answer incoming calls with the phone app. What does not work yet: No notification on missed calls. Phone does not wake up from sleep on incoming calls and I did not find a way to place outbound calls. Maybe theres a way from console?

Edit: Seems I was to optimistic: One more thing that doesn't work: When I take a call the caller hears me (mic works) but I can't hear the caller (speaker doesn't work)

jcoder ( 2015-11-20 17:26:49 +0200 )edit

@jcoder: did you try the pulse-audio config tweak from the initial question?

A simple pulse-audio config tweak exists to make call audio work for testing (speaker/top-mic only). put the following in /etc/pulse/xpolicy.conf . then systemctl restart pulseaudio.service . `````` [stream] exe = voicecall-manager group = call ``````

dmnk ( 2015-11-23 11:31:42 +0200 )edit

answered 2014-11-29 15:08:51 +0200

petertu gravatar image

I would support the desire for a native, well integrated and easy to use SIP client for Sailfish.

My router has an embedded SIP server and I have been used to using my old mobile phone (n900) as a home telephone when at home, receiving and making pstn calls via this SIP server. I found VOIP very easy to use on the n900 using the basic functionality.

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Yes, I also would use it as a SIP-phone at home...This was one reason to buy the Jolla. Is it on the roadmap? This question/desire has a lot of votes, so it would be interesting to know, when we will get this functionality.

Daniel ( 2014-11-29 15:58:46 +0200 )edit

answered 2014-06-14 17:40:06 +0200

unlikeyou gravatar image

I agree with integrated SIP which should be prioritized in the future update, meego n9 has so much better integration and Skype.

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so much better integration? you cannot compare or value something not implemented to be better or not! I am actually glad there is no skype preinstalled! Microsoft and Google are bad players and will only get restricted access to my mobilephone!

chemist ( 2014-06-14 21:06:37 +0200 )edit

Just my 5 cents, too: N9 and Symbian had the best integrated SIP Client - could configure multiple SIP accounts, could hold them active at the same time also in background - for incoming and outgoing calls. This should serve as example and aim to achieve for JOLLA device.

imagomundi ( 2014-12-02 15:47:45 +0200 )edit

answered 2015-09-17 10:33:16 +0200

Michiel gravatar image

I think it is really great that SIP integration made it to the roadmap for April and that it was included in the beta for Björnträsket. Unfortunately it seems to not have made it to the final release and it is the only feature from Q2 not to be included. Is anything wrong? Did plans change? I was really looking forward to this feature and was hoping to market the Jolla tablet as a turnkey videocall solution, based on SIP.

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answered 2015-09-21 08:06:44 +0200

nblr gravatar image

The roadmap shows SIP integration for April, somehow this still has not happened. Just of of curiosity: what is the blocking issue?

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Dates in the roadmap show when the work started, not when it's supposed to be finished. Still, given that most essential building blocks are in place, I too wonder what happened.

ossi1967 ( 2015-11-01 18:54:44 +0200 )edit

We need SIP)

vlad ( 2015-11-07 22:38:48 +0200 )edit

Yes, we REALLY NEED SIP! Jolla guys, what's up with you? Please answer us!

zappAtom ( 2015-11-08 21:53:30 +0200 )edit

I will try to find out the current status of this one. If you want information from the developer who was working on this one, please ping alterego on #jollamobile in freenode IRC. I thought that this feature was already committed, but perhaps it was postponed for some reason.

chris.adams ( 2015-11-09 12:02:56 +0200 )edit

any news on this topic?

I bought 5 Jolla phones for me and my team hoping for SIP integration but I'm becoming desesperate. We even would like to contribute (by code or by funding) to see it happen...

Ventoux ( 2016-04-12 09:01:14 +0200 )edit

answered 2017-06-18 11:32:18 +0200

Picanha gravatar image

updated 2017-06-18 11:33:24 +0200

Some news about VoIP/SIP-implementation in Sailfish OS?

In my case, I did the following as described above:

pkcon install sofia-sip
pkcon install telepathy-rakia
pkcon install jolla-settings-accounts-extensions

Of course, now I can easily set up my SIP-account in the User Interface among Settings -> Accounts, but I can not receive or provide any calls. As there is no status-symbol available, I don't even know if the added SIP-account could be successfully connected and registered to my SIP-provider or not.

The SIP-provider himself doesn't detect any new connected device, so I think the registration neither failed nor happened at all. Do I have to connect and register in a different way? I thought, just setting up the SIP-account in Settings -> Accounts and it should be all fine and working? What went wrong here?

Regarding to the faltering development, an implementation of necessary SRTP/ZRTP would be a surreal dream of future I think?

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It's a shame how Jolla treats this core telephone feature, as if they not interested in developing a feature complete OS for a phone ... truly unlike. Everytime I ask about the status of the implementation I get a tart answer.

max ( 2017-06-18 16:22:04 +0200 )edit

For me, registration to SIP provider is ok, but as you mentioned, there is no possibility how to make a call or receive a call from SIP account :(

tom.i ( 2017-06-19 11:39:41 +0200 )edit

Its very well written; I love what SIP can do. www.appliancerepairsoforlando.com/hunterscreek

casseverhart13 ( 2019-11-29 05:19:16 +0200 )edit

answered 2020-06-19 10:19:45 +0200

Picanha gravatar image

updated 2020-06-19 10:27:15 +0200

Guys, with s1p we got a great native SIP app finally! Please support it as much as you can to improve its development.

Already a huge THANK YOU to its developer named unmaintained! :-)

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Asked: 2013-12-24 19:52:28 +0200

Seen: 34,822 times

Last updated: Aug 05 '20