2014-08-13 15:27:14 +0200
[I too wanted to figure out how to disable autocaps and spent quite some time editing the config files, the solution eluding me..
well, just a few moments ago I stumbled on the solution in this thread:]
In short one way to do it is to edit the language layout file of the languages you want to use and disable autocaps in each individually. You can see the code below these instructions.
An enhanced/clarified version of solution proposed on the page link above:
0. (( switch on developer mode ))
1. Log in to the device through SSH (or open Terminal on device)
2. Switch to developer mode:
3. Navigate to the keyboard layouts folder:
4. Make a backup of the file(s) you want to edit:
cp lang.qml lang.qml_bak (eg: cp en.qml en.qml_bak)
5. Open your language file for edit:
nano en.qml
6. Find the section that says:
KeyboardLayout {
7. Copy the following text and paste it immediately under: KeyboardLayout {
// enables possibility to use own InputHandler,
// disables autocaps and text prediction
type: "custom"
Component.onCompleted: {
// disable autocaps
keyboard.autocaps = false
8. Press CTRL+S, then enter and then answer Y to save the document
9. Press CTRL+X to exit nano (you can skip step 8 by answering yes to save here)
10. Restart the keyboard service:
killall maliit-server
The result of the edit should look like this:
KeyboardLayout {
// enables possibility to use own InputHandler,
// disables autocaps and text prediction
type: "custom"
Component.onCompleted: {
// disable autocaps
keyboard.autocaps = false
KeyboardRow {
Btw: You can install nano with by running the command:
pkcon install nano
(root is not required.)
Another note: The lines with // in front of them are not read by the program, so you can leave them out if you want. They are for clarification.