lock screen does not unlock [not relevant]
The lockscreen does not unlock when told to do so. Visually it appears unreactive, but pulley menu functionalities seem to still be there (given that the sounds / haptic feedbacks are).
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The lockscreen does not unlock when told to do so. Visually it appears unreactive, but pulley menu functionalities seem to still be there (given that the sounds / haptic feedbacks are).
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Asked: 2014-05-12 12:09:06 +0200
Seen: 156 times
Last updated: May 12 '14
Delay between screen shuts off and lock activates [answered]
Double tap occasionally fails to wake device
[Bug] Screen turns on after locking (potentially a security issue)
device rewaking after sleep-gesture [duplicate]
Display doesn't turn off automatically
Lock Screen does not respond to swipe [released]
Display autosleep and lock screen problem.
[Implemented in] After screen time out, return to last active app [released]