Fail to receive SMS

asked 2014-05-22 23:40:42 +0200

szobi gravatar image

updated 2014-05-22 23:42:11 +0200

For me this issue seems to happen very often at the moment. I've got a conversation with a huge amount of SMS with my girlfriend. In the last days and weeks it happened more an more that she got message received status report for sent messages, but my Jolla didn't receive these messages.

Yesterday I noticed something that supports my assumption. My Jolla lay next to a radio, so that I could here the noise of an incomming SMS in the speaker of the radio. But my Jolla didn't receive a SMS or a call. After a few minutes, there was the same noise in the speakers again. This time my Jolla received a SMS. My girlfriend sent two SMS and she got messages received status report for both.

I'm a quite disappointed now. I use Jolla as my only phone since end of December and I live without several features I had on my Android phone before. That's ok for me, because I love my Jolla. But in my opinion at least the basic features of a mobile phone (call and SMS) should work properly. Otherwise the phone is quite useless.

Maybe the huge amount of messages in a conversation could be a hint for reproducing this issue. Receiving SMS in small conversations seems to work. Also sending SMS seems to work well.

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Just because you did hear the GSM noise in you're speaker doesn't necessary mean it's an incoming SMS. First of all, what you hear is the phone sending data to the base station, not the other way around. Also, all phones are designed to periodically notify its presence to the base station (which is normally what's happening when you here the noise).

So even though its most likely that the first noise you heard was a status report sent to the base station to tell that the SMS was received, it could just as well been the phone notifying the base station about its presence.

So, what am I going with this? Since none else have reported this kind of error (as far as I know) it can also be a problem with your phone operator. Or the combination with you're phone and you're operator.

Xiph ( 2014-05-22 23:58:58 +0200 )edit

I know that hearing this noise is no evidence for my assumption. That's why I tried to say it conservative, that it "supports" my assumption.

But to my mind there is a difference in length and strength of the noise between notifying the station about its presence and sending/receiving a call or SMS. And this time the noise was quite heavy and lasting long.

There are other issues with receiving SMS since the last update (see and So I'm not the only one having these problems. Furthermore this problem is quite hard to recognize. I was also always in the good faith that this is a operators problem. But at the moment I'm not sure anymore if it really is. I hope that it is. In the end I'm posting this issue to see if there are other Jolla users having the same problem.

szobi ( 2014-05-23 00:26:31 +0200 )edit

There is also an additional problem for people migrating from Iphones. Since Apple has some proprietary messaging system, imessage that also seems to cause many issues.

Philippe De Swert ( 2014-05-24 12:31:11 +0200 )edit