Cannot connect to Ubuntu wifi hotspot [answered]
I just bought my new Jolla phone and I created a hotspot via Ubuntu but my Jolla doesn't see it.
Is there something I need to configure in order to connect to it?
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I just bought my new Jolla phone and I created a hotspot via Ubuntu but my Jolla doesn't see it.
Is there something I need to configure in order to connect to it?
Ubuntu is creating ad-hoc hotspot, which Jolla does not support. Neither does Android by the way. There are some workarounds to create infrastructure mode hotspot on Ubuntu, but depends on which version you are using.
You can cast you vote for ad-hoc mode support on Jolla here:
This thread is public, all members of Together.Jolla.Com can read this page.
Asked: 2014-05-31 13:11:23 +0200
Seen: 1,211 times
Last updated: Jun 01 '14
[Implemented in] WiFi tethering [released]
Hotspot setting (turn on when charging)
Roaming client for (international) WiFi/WLAN Hotspot roaming
Automatically show hotspot captive portal login page
[How-To] WPA-802.1X (enterprise), eduroam +[Others] GUI wifi support needed + workaround [released]