transfer file using nfc [answered]
How I can use NFC to tranfert file? I try to done it from my N9 to jolla but nothing appened.....
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How I can use NFC to tranfert file? I try to done it from my N9 to jolla but nothing appened.....
Jolla has said that NFC functionality is only for communication between the Jolla phone and The Other Half. Try Bluetooth?
I have a hard time understanding why is nfc blocked for this exclusive purpose, it seems to me to be very limiting without any real backing reason, or is there one?
I'm sure the chip can do both things!
Should we just let the nfc chip go to waste? what about the nfc usage for payments, authentication, etc. ?
Are we suppose to make a special TOH with another nfc chip just to use these usefull features, we should already have??
dsilveira ( 2014-03-14 17:24:15 +0200 )editAdditionally here is the official answer by Jolla: .
Alex ( 2015-06-21 23:25:33 +0200 )editThis thread is public, all members of Together.Jolla.Com can read this page.
Asked: 2013-12-28 11:00:14 +0200
Seen: 695 times
Last updated: Dec 28 '13
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