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High Contrast Ambiences --> summer ready

asked 2014-06-07 15:43:43 +0200

Morpog gravatar image

updated 2014-07-31 10:21:01 +0200

jiit gravatar image

Hello together,

the ambiences are kinda hard to read in summer, so I made 2 minimalistic ones to improve readability outside in summer times. Maybe we can collect more in here? File dimensions should be 1600 height and 540 width.

Meego-Harmattan purple style image description

Meego-Harmattan cyan style image description

green style

image description

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Great idea, thanks!

sunkan ( 2014-06-07 16:03:22 +0200 )edit

I owe you a beer, thanks.

magullo ( 2014-06-07 16:09:21 +0200 )edit

Thanks for these wallpapers / ambiances, really nice!

seiichiro0185 ( 2014-06-07 16:51:19 +0200 )edit


Edit: the green one works out very nice.

nthn ( 2014-06-07 17:36:11 +0200 )edit

Human eyes are more sensitive to green color, that's why contrast seems higher. (To convert a picture from color to grayscale we usually use 72% of green 21% of red and 7% of blue). Just to say that green color is the best color for summer ;)

Bnurb ( 2014-06-08 13:32:59 +0200 )edit

12 Answers

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answered 2014-06-10 22:22:36 +0200

molan gravatar image

Thanks to @Morpog's idea I made this set of ambiences. You find them in various colours here: http://www.allboutn9.info/2014/06/tourmaline-high-contrast-ambiances.html

image description

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link doesn't work. Is it possible to them with a white highlight color instead of a "color"? I used to do this manually with the gconftool-2 command but that doesn't work anymore in 10.7.6

manut ( 2014-06-11 02:10:09 +0200 )edit

@manut Try open the link again, it should work fine. Else you find a link on the picture above (lower corner right). I tried it with a black&white version - but in seems SailfishOS choses a random color for the ambience (in my case orange). But I can upload the b&w version if you'd like to have it.

molan ( 2014-06-11 09:50:50 +0200 )edit

Thanks. It works now. Weird. As for the B/W one. Yes please. They look great.

manut ( 2014-06-11 12:17:47 +0200 )edit

@manut White is now available in the original Package as well as single download (on blog). Please let me know what ambience colour you get or if it is orange as well...

molan ( 2014-06-11 13:33:23 +0200 )edit

rainisto gave me the solution to create white highlight.

dconf write /desktop/jolla/theme/color/highlight "'#ffffff'" dconf write /desktop/jolla/theme/color/secondaryHighlight "'#aaaaaa'"

more info here: https://together.jolla.com/question/45733/gconfdconf-and-symlink-of-nemo-dir-to-android-dir/#comment-46050

manut ( 2014-06-12 11:03:24 +0200 )edit

answered 2014-06-16 14:12:37 +0200

Morpog gravatar image

And another one!

image description

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answered 2014-07-27 12:18:24 +0200

Moth gravatar image



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I like this one. It has kind of a vintage feel to it, but I can't quite put my finger on it.

Venty ( 2014-07-30 17:41:00 +0200 )edit

answered 2014-06-07 23:56:04 +0200

molan gravatar image

updated 2014-06-08 01:41:55 +0200

Here's a high contrast version of the MeeGon sailor (original here: https://twitter.com/AllBoutN9/status/474227310665932800/photo/1) being observed by someone with a binocular ;-)

Enjoy your summer Sailors :-)

image description

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Thank you all. Maybe now it is possible to view or type SMS in sunny day :)

Jolla095 ( 2014-06-08 10:59:34 +0200 )edit

Thanks @caprico! I'm switching between the two versions depending on whether I'm indoors or outdoors :D

cybette ( 2014-06-10 00:38:22 +0200 )edit

@cybette: Hihi same here :D

molan ( 2014-06-10 22:23:54 +0200 )edit

answered 2014-06-10 22:40:18 +0200

Morpog gravatar image

updated 2014-06-10 23:02:13 +0200

Based on caprico's Sailfish logo idea, I made this grungefish wallpaper. Edit: Reworked it a bit.

image description

And while I was on it, I made another one: Dark Tiles

image description

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answered 2014-06-07 17:37:47 +0200

Moth gravatar image

updated 2014-08-05 19:51:27 +0200



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wow, as summer approaches even ambience are growing and getting better!

magullo ( 2014-06-07 18:57:19 +0200 )edit

answered 2014-08-01 00:33:13 +0200

Moth gravatar image

updated 2014-08-01 02:56:49 +0200


Edit: additional filter.


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answered 2014-08-04 19:11:01 +0200

Moth gravatar image

updated 2014-08-05 17:18:22 +0200


Edit: Update


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Great! I appreciate your efforts, it seems, that they always lead to beautiful ambiences!

Daniel ( 2015-03-29 00:35:57 +0200 )edit

answered 2015-06-15 18:00:08 +0200

molan gravatar image

updated 2015-06-15 18:00:38 +0200

Summer and the bright sun are back (at least for half the planet). Thus I made this dark-side of the moon ambience. Yep, it's really dark and no colours...but that's how it's supposed to be for a high contrast ;-)

Chose your own (bright) ambience colour, by saving the picture as a favourite ambience.

DarkMoon Ambience

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Thanks, heading to Jolla.

magullo ( 2015-06-15 18:42:26 +0200 )edit

answered 2014-07-20 15:55:35 +0200

Moth gravatar image

Hulk of the seas


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Looks like prometheus engineer

szopin ( 2014-07-27 20:50:13 +0200 )edit

@szopin You're watching too many movies... ;-)

Moth ( 2014-07-27 22:24:27 +0200 )edit
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Asked: 2014-06-07 15:43:43 +0200

Seen: 5,196 times

Last updated: Jun 15 '15