[Release notes] Software version, Saapunki [released]

asked 2014-06-09 20:06:24 +0200

bijjal gravatar image

updated 2017-08-02 23:58:32 +0200

olf gravatar image

Release date : 9.6.2014

Download size : ~173MB

Saapunki is the combined software update (update6 + update7) for SailfishOS (refer to the post Next OS update in early June). It brings in many new and requested features for our dear users along with other improvements and bugfixes.

Whats new?

  • 4G support for all users (requires 4G SIM) [Settings > System > Mobile network > Network mode = Prefer 4G]
  • Facebook notifications sub-page in events view, where you can like and comment
  • Folder support in app launcher area
  • New accounts for popular calDAV providers: Yahoo!, MemoToo, Fruux, ownCloud (experimental)
  • Two-way syncronization of Google contacts
  • Support for uploading files in Browser (experimental)
  • Switching between browser tabs remembers your last position and no longer reloads the tab content
  • HTML5 Fullscreen support in Browser
  • Personalize shortcuts on lockscreen pull-down menu [Settings > System > Shortcuts > Lock Screen]
  • Support for additional bluetooth profiles: PBAP (phone book) and HID (input devices)
  • Support for traditional and simplified Chinese Handwriting Recognition in virtual keyboard
  • Additional settings for browser app [Settings > Apps > Browser > Privacy]
    • Option to clear private data in browser
    • "Do not track" option to inform sites that you do not wish to be tracked
  • Quick scrolling feature enabled in Sailfish views
  • SIM Application Toolkit support - enables access to SIM and network-specific add-on services from your operator (e.g. recharging prepaid credit, changing subscription and phone network setting etc depending on the operator)
  • Quick access to SailfishOS updates [Settings >System >Sailfish OS updates]
    • Includes a new setting for update checks (Manual / WLAN only / Always)
  • The phone is now ICASA certified (South Africa) and labelled under Settings > About product

Fetch the update

First to first ones

The software update will be first available to our dear users owning "The First one" covers. The rest of our user base will be able to update their devices on the same day, but a few hours later.


  • Working Jolla account configured on your device
  • Charger connected
  • Device connected to WLAN or mobile data network

If you are unable to successfully configure the account, please visit account.jolla.com and try to reset your password.

Users running software version <

If your device is running software version lower than and have WareHouse app installed (i.e you are using OpenRepos), disable all openrepo repositories before attempting to upgrade your device. Else, you risk breaking the device. Read important-steps-to-do-before-updating and how-to-disable-openrepos-repositories posts for more information.

Update the software

If your Jolla is connected to internet, an OS update notification should pop up shortly. If you just can't wait, you can manually trigger an OS update check as follows:

  • Open Settings app
  • Go to System > About Product
  • Pull down the pulley menu and select 'Check for update'
  • Once an OS update notification is received, tap on it and follow the instructions.

Do not reboot the device while the OS update installation is in progress. The process takes up to 10 minutes. During the update, the device screen might blank out. You can awaken the display by a short press on the power key to monitor the progress. When the upgrade has completed successfully, you will see the LED light up red before the device restarts.

In rare circumstances, you may have to try a second time to get through the update successfully.

View detailed instructions at Zendesk.

Highlights of improvements

Device reboot issues

  • Fixed shutdowns because of invalid overheating reports
  • Fixed two kernel null pointer errors that cause device to reboot
  • Device stability improved by making it less sensitive to sudden power consumption peaks

First time user experience

  • New contact import wizard shown for new users starting People application for the first time
  • Tapping notification icons on Lock Screen guides the user to go to Events View to access notifications
  • Opening system update page guides the user to use pulley menu to download the update
  • Opening Maps now guides the user to flick left to explore map
  • Tapping answer and reject icons on incoming call view guides the user to pull down to answer a call and pull up to reject a call


  • Updated kernel to linux-stable 3.4.87 version


  • CVE-2014-3466 vulnerability fixed in gnutls
  • CVE-2014-0224,CVE-2014-0221, CVE-2014-0195,CVE-2014-0198 and CVE-2010-5298,CVE-2014-3470 fixed in openssl


  • Improved HTML5 video fullscreen support
  • Position and zoom level of previous tabs are now retained
  • Improved autoscroll for editing text field content


  • The SailfishOS Documents application, based on the open source Calligra project, is now open source under GPLv2-only license and can be found at https://github.com/sailfishos/sailfish-office
  • Contributions to Documents and the SailfishOS browser are welcome. Join IRC #sailfishos on irc.freenode.net for further instructions.


  • Importing contacts improved in Settings > Apps > People
  • Developer mode
    • Acts as a DHCP server for the USB interface to ease the connectivity to PC's.
    • no longer requires device reboots for enabling/disabling the mode (Note: ssh connections will work only after reboot)
  • Finer-grained control options on sync related account settings
  • Google account:Sync direction option for google calendar removed. It now automatically syncs bi-directionally.
  • Supports automatic sync for calendar and contacts sync.
  • Reset device has a more complete disclaimer about the consequences of doing so
  • Internet sharing
    • Default tethering device name is set during startup wizard based on the user information entered
    • Visual indication in lock screen when internet sharing is on

Store client

  • App description text now has a fade effect at the bottom to clearly indicate that there is more text to be seen
  • Improve the indication of application developer in the comments in details view
  • Allow editing and deleting own comments

General UI improvements

  • Pulley menu and lock screen unlock animation hints can now be interrupted
  • Arabic font included and text editor alignment fixed to follow natural text direction, for example Arabic script is aligned to right
  • Allows inverted landscape orientation for landscape-enabled apps
  • Quick flicks do not lock alarm pulley menu
  • Improvements to language change reboot animation

Home screen/Lock screen

  • Uses fade animation to highlight the current app being swiped away
  • Active covers:fine-tuned:
    • Cover glass background now has rounded corners
    • Cover glass background transparency increased
    • Glass backgrounds removed for from opaque covers
  • Improves visibility of the last swiped away app
  • Operator name label dynamically displays date for 1500ms when the lockscreen is shown


  • Updated ambience no longer requires device reboot for changes to be available
  • Fixes an issue where ambience settings were lost when ambience package is updated


  • Automatic retrieval of email settings for major providers
  • Email credentials checking during account creation
  • Possibility to create receiving only email accounts(without SMTP)
  • Default port/authentication for generic accounts
  • External images and resources are not loaded automatically without user consent [Settings > Apps > Mail]
  • Displays error notification if message cannot be sent in the outbox
  • Option to accept untrusted certificates [Settings > Accounts > Account] (old accounts having untrusted certificates need this option enabled )
  • Fixes an issue related to the priority setting in the email headers that makes some server interpret them as spam
  • Fixes an issue related to the recipients separators in the email headers that makes sending fail for some servers
  • Fixes an issue that prevents the correct display of some emails with "Content-Type: multipart/mixed"
  • Fixes an issue that makes the body of some messages to be duplicated
  • Fixes an issue that prevents sync from finish when fetching large amount of data over IMAP4 protocol
  • Fixes an issue that causes wrong folder mapping for some Outlook.com accounts


  • Minimal Exchange Protocol version 14 support (Enabled for accounts that don't support protocol 12, e.g Outlook.com)
  • Notify user when the credentials have been updated on the server end or when provisioning settings change and sync can't be performed anymore
  • Provisioning improvements
  • Fixes an issue that prevents contact avatars from being synced to the device (requires account recreation)
  • General stability and performance improvements


  • Launching notes app directly opens a new note if there are no saved notes


  • Call log now displays phone number type (mobile, work, phone) for contacts with multiple phone numbers
  • Accept/end calls using wired headset keys
  • Recent contacts hidden from Phone contact list (via 'Call contact' pulley menu item) to avoid unnecessary duplication with the call log view
  • On bootup, PIN query is now shown only after the device has been unlocked
  • Swiping from top edge no longer closes an incoming call
  • Quickly mute an incoming call simply by pulling up, reply and reject options are now shown after muting
  • Small bounce animation added to the incoming call view


  • Introduction of MMS send error notification and roaming warning labels

Text input

  • Dialog for Pinyin input to get more candidates
  • Enhanced Spanish and Portuguese prediction

Android runtime

  • Contacts from external sources (except Facebook) are now visible in android apps
  • No longer installs Yandex store by default (i.e dependency to Yandex store removed, thus Yandex store can be removed from launcher grid)
  • Fixes some crashes observed in earlier releases


  • Performance enhancements
  • Event location shown in hour view
  • Fix calendar picker not always updating on new event editor

Known issues

  • System update notification may appear in the events view even after the software has been upgraded successfully.
    • The notification will disappear automatically when the store client performs the first automatic check for software updates after reboot.
    • Alternatively, you can clear the notification manually by checking for system updates [Settings > System > SailfishOS updates > Check for updates (via pulley menu)]
  • As noted in bug-my-apps-in-jolla-store-is-empty, we are aware of a problem with the Jolla Store that prevents some users from seeing their installed applications listed under "My apps". It may also prevent some users from downloading applications. This will not effect the software update, we continue to work on this issue separately.
  • Facebook account may need re-signing in on first boot after the upgrade
  • Internet sharing favorite toggle switch can appear greyed out and unusable
  • People app may take a long time to populate content on the first launch after the upgrade due to high load on contactsd daemon
  • WLAN positioning does not work when internet sharing is enabled
  • AGPS assistance data is limited in 4G network.
  • Virtual keyboard pops up even though HW keyboard is connected via bluetooth
  • Unable to change the layout of the bluetooth enabled hardware keyboard (default is US layout)
  • Uploading files via browser may not work on some websites as the file-picker does not yet support multi-file selection mode
  • The phone just reboots instead of doing the upgrade if there is not enough free disk space.

New connectivity stack for opt-in testing

We've been working for a while on updating connman ( the connection manager in SailfishOS) to a newer version. While it fixes connectivity issues in some environments, it comes at a regression risk in some networks. If you are interested in helping us out with testing, you can find more details in the hotfix-opt-in-hotfix-for-connectivity-in-upcoming-update-7 post.

Note to developers

GConf has now been replaced with DConf. If you are using MGConfItem from mlite or the declarative plugin (declarative plugin is not harbour-whitelisted) then no action is required. mlite MGConfItem has been patched to use DConf as the storage backend. The class MGConfItem name though misleading, has been retained in order to prevent API and ABI breakage.

All GConf data will be migrated from GConf to DConf during the first boot after the update. Schemas however will not be converted to anything.

If you use gconf directly then please consider moving to MGConfItem instead. If you cannot then please realize that DConf API is not stable at all and it can change and break your application. Please consider moving to MGConfItem. gconftool-2 is now gone also and /usr/bin/dconf is the replacement. However care should be taken not to run dconf as root.

Highlights of bug fixes

  • [BUG] Screen keeps going off and switching back on with random pixels visible in between
  • [BUG] libconnman-qt segfault if connman is not running or stopped == [BUG] Device reacts with 50s delay if user is scrolling home screen to see indicators
  • [BUG] Call termination does not always get completed, leaving phone to a strange state
  • [BUG] "Problem with connection" is shown if user toggles WLAN or Mobile Network multiple times
  • [TASK] Internet sharing gets disabled when rebooting device
  • [BUG] Changing tone setting in one default ambiance changes another
  • [BUG] Media player stops playback when jumping to next or previous song
  • [BUG] Cannot delete song from Media library
  • [BUG] Mediaplayer fails to set album art to the cover
  • [BUG] Media active cover is not updated properly
  • [BUG] Media Player updates position label to current playback position during interaction
  • [BUG] Call to a number with asterisk ignores last digits because Called party subaddress is in use
  • [BUG] phone number keyboard doesn't play sounds consistently
  • [BUG] Wrong phone number highlighted on tapping call long entry when quick dial is disabled
  • [BUG] Disabling call forwarding did not work
  • [BUG] Type and label of phone number doesn't match in contact card and editor
  • [BUG] Connecting Bluetooth headset fails when phone is in suspend during call
  • [TASK] Messages shows one phone number for each linked contact and doesn't aggregate that properly
  • [BUG] Adding a new detail in people editor is missing transition
  • [BUG] Contacts sync fails with large number of contacts
  • [BUG] Deleting a contact from Exchange (or Google) does not delete it from device
  • [BUG] Launcher icons on top of home screen
  • [BUG] Coverless window thumbnails do not maintain the window's aspect ratio
  • [BUG] Make sure the "unresponsive app" dialog shows the application name and not "Unknown app"
  • [BUG] Application covers are missing the glass background after closing and restarting a preloaded app
  • [TASK] Cover action transition should only move the cover action icons and cover content
  • [BUG] Close app gesture transition broken
  • [BUG] It's possible to switch the display off so that switching it back on doesn't end up in the lock screen
  • [BUG] Mouse event goes to page stack when user tries to overdraw a list
  • [BUG] Pulley menu indicator prevents dragging
  • [BUG] It is possible to lock screen between lock/home screen
  • [BUG] lockscreen date string overlaps with notification
  • [BUG] System update check does not notice that account is invalidated if the UI visible up while this happens
  • [BUG] Feeds in the store client displays dimmed icon that belongs to other app
  • [BUG] Store: Jolla apps don't show the "also-developed-by" block in app details page
  • [BUG] Store: Some Jolla apps don't show the "show all from developer" button
  • [BUG] Store: The title for Jolla promo banner should be "Essential apps by Jolla"
  • [BUG] 'Get your content' page offers to add Jolla account even if user has already signed in Jolla account
  • [BUG] Settings OS update check doesn't work when jolla account is inactive, but doesn't notice it
  • [BUG] Signing into existing account in store reports "Creating Account"
  • [BUG] In bluetooth settings page, the keyboard pops if you click below the bluetooth switch
  • [BUG] Settings cover is empty
  • [BUG] Adaptive brightness does not do anything noticeable when brightness is set at max
  • [BUG] Lowest display brightness setting in settings isn't the lowest without automatic adjust
  • [BUG] Account reverts to not-signed-in status if settings are changed after re-signing in
  • [BUG] Updating sign-in credentials of Jolla account with incorrect username/password deletes the account!
  • [BUG] Cannot skip Facebook or Google account creation in People's initial contact import flow
  • [BUG] rvsp_event scope is missing from facebook-sync service
  • [BUG] Alarm UI fails to snooze alarm with a swipe
  • [BUG] Startup-wizard, First-time boot : Device language is automatically switched to English.
  • [BUG] Date and Time page in SUW jumps when swiping back from timezone picker
  • [BUG] Startup-wizard: Timezone setting list for selection needs to have an order
  • [BUG] Swipe to left in the camera app history goes directly to the live camera... sometimes
  • [BUG] Kernel NULL pointer at _raw_spin_lock
  • [BUG] MCE does not leave touch panel active during in-call proximity blanking
  • [TASK] MCE should send a dbus signal if powerkey is pressed during alarm
  • [TASK] MCE should send a dbus signal if device is flipped during alarm
  • [BUG] Touch is not ended when display is powered off
  • [TASK] Power key doesn't work while we are in recovery mode
  • [BUG] It is not possible to disable double tap without powering off the touch panel
  • [BUG] wlan password system dialog doesn't show last character as clear text
  • [BUG] Notes hangs when deleting an emptied note
  • [BUG] Provision policy request is still sent even if server doesn't support it
  • [BUG] Avatars are not downloaded for exchange contacts
  • [BUG] file download not happening if no tabs are open in browser
  • [BUG] Link forming a loop breaks back navigation in browser
  • [BUG] Keyboard language not mapped to language selected during first time use
  • [BUG] Arabic text is aligned to the wrong side in TextArea
  • [BUG] Angry birds: At least a certain type of expandable banner ads causes a crash on the Jolla phone when it is tapped
  • [BUG] Alien notification icons incorrect
  • [BUG] With some android games, the A/V sync is not maintained
  • [STORY] OpenSL application not running in android
  • [BUG] Cannot save images from Opera or Firefox
  • [BUG] Alien dalvik audio server keeps PulseAudio sink running indefinitely
  • [BUG] Audio gets lost in Android apps
  • [BUG] OP-Pohjola banking app Java date object issue with time-zones
  • [BUG] Application logout time not replicated to active cover
  • [BUG] Destroy the wayland surface when its corresponding Android task dies
  • [TASK] Pass directly two key events from Native IME to InputMethod to avoid sequece issue.
  • [BUG] Free the connection to pulseAudio after audio playback is idle more than 10s
  • [BUG] QtContacts is taking huge amount of memory (inside alien_bridge_se)
  • [BUG] Crash in aliendalvik rild
  • [BUG] Pass directly two key events from Native IME to InputMethod to avoid sequence issue.
  • [STORY] Check permissions on android storage area
  • [BUG] Alien notification icons are sometimes incorrect
  • [BUG] Alien audio server goes into endless 100% CPU
  • [BUG] Dalvik uses google DNS ( instead of the actual DNS
  • [BUG] Android window thinks keyboard is still open after user has returned to home
  • [BUG] Audio is mixed with wrong volume to voicecall audio in Droid Sink
  • [TASK] Gestures don't rotate with aliendalvik properly
  • [BUG] Whatsapp audio message doesn't play and app freezes
  • [BUG] Yahoo weather on dalvik dies when swiped out and does not release gps/location even if killed
  • [BUG] OsmAnd app from Yandex - Dialog window "Unsupported action" is shown after tap on item in Events view
  • [TASK] Update systemd to version 208
  • [TASK] systemd should have better defaults for restarting service
  • [BUG] Recovery reset does not clear old files
  • [TASK] Handle aliendalvik start in systemd, not in apkd
  • [BUG] Device should reboot if DSME is in restart loop
  • [BUG] Systemd restart for failed job takes too long
  • [TASK] Do not shutdown device on faulty overheat reading
  • [TASK] Notification leds should breathe by default when charger is connected
  • [BUG] calendar picker does not always work on event editor
  • [BUG] Calendar month view swipe performance is bad
  • [BUG] Calendar event is marked as meeting even though user is the only attendee
  • [BUG] Incorrect name display format in the start up for Chinese
  • [BUG] Clock app window scrolls when not needed
  • [BUG] Alarm pulley hint animation is restless
  • [TASK] Remove the max 18h wakeup limitation from nemo-keepalive
  • [BUG] Reports from users that favourited ambiences disappear on upgrade
  • [BUG] Handwriting - 2nd word is not recognised
  • [BUG] Message info view text overlaps if email contains "Reply to" and CC only
  • [BUG] From account is not correctly selected in some cases

The question has been closed for the following reason "released in a software update" by olf
close date 2017-11-10 20:21:26.145392



Since there will be no update in July this marks the the beginning of the first annual uptime contest. Winner gets two Internets. :D :P

ApB ( 2014-06-09 20:43:23 +0200 )

Three phones 'first ones' and can update only one device...sad

Makarand ( 2014-06-09 20:47:04 +0200 )

Humongous update, impressive guys! Hope you take some well deserved free time/rest now.

rod ( 2014-06-09 20:57:53 +0200 )

@ApB we plan to have an update in early July. Only after that we'll go on vacation :)

Aard ( 2014-06-09 20:59:49 +0200 )

@Makarand Did you try restarting those devices and start Store? It might be that your store-client was already running (in the background)

xfade ( 2014-06-09 21:03:06 +0200 )
see more comments