clearing a search field with the clear button does not always work
In an application I am developing, I added a search field to add a filter to a list view. after typing a character or two, it is not possible to clear the search with the clear button, only by pressing the del key repeatedly. I have found that if I type a space or remove focus from the search field, I can then clear the field. It looks like clearing is disabled while there are completions available...
After some research, I have found a workaround that works well in my application: Adding Qt.ImNoPredictiveText to the inputMethodHints property makes the clear button works at all times.
Still, this looks like a bug in the SearchField component.
mikelima ( 2013-12-30 17:45:30 +0200 )editI think this bug lives bit deeper. I can't clear text that is under that keyboard prediction (underlined) from TextField.
I'm quite sure that it worked on some older OS version
tomyri ( 2014-03-27 14:33:39 +0200 )edit