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[Bug] Yandex not added after installing android support on a fresh setup phone [answered]

asked 2014-06-11 12:41:10 +0200

mgbler gravatar image

updated 2014-11-26 10:34:47 +0200

eric gravatar image

Hmm, where is it? ;-)

I did a manufacture reset, applied 1.0.2 and 1.0.7, rebooted the phone and installed android support. Yandex didn't show up on app screen and cargo dock didn't list the android folder... Uninstalling and reinstalling didn't help either.

Update 1:

Ok i did another manufacture reset. My idea was to install android support right after that und to apply the system updates afterwards... Well, that did't change anything. Yandex is still gone. I will now apply system updates ad try to install yandex manually via apk.

Update 2:

The answer of @vitaminj makes sense, but after applying update 1.0.2 and rebooting Yandex just popped up. Now i'm a little bit confused. After 1.0.7 release notes there are 2 possible interpretations:

  1. Yandex won't be installed at all
  2. Yandex will be installed, but can be (savely) removed
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The question has been closed for the following reason "the question is answered, an answer was accepted" by BonoNL
close date 2014-06-11 23:04:18.105674

1 Answer

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answered 2014-06-11 12:53:30 +0200

vitaminj gravatar image

From the release notes:

Android runtime

No longer installs Yandex store by default (i.e dependency to Yandex store removed, thus Yandex store can be removed from launcher grid)

So given android support no longer forces you to have one particular store, you'll need to visit the websites of stores you want (Yandex, Amazon, etc.) and install their APKs from there

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doohh, okay :) thx for the explanation! Then everyting is fine. I'll close the question.

mgbler ( 2014-06-11 12:58:58 +0200 )edit

You can even install Aptoide from Jolla Store. It's in the category Marketplaces.

hetas ( 2014-06-11 19:15:56 +0200 )edit

I closed the question then.

BonoNL ( 2014-06-11 23:04:33 +0200 )edit

Well, as Yandex.Store got installed later in my updating process (without any particular action from me) I'm still unsure about this being a bug or not. Because if vitaminj is right, it shouldn't be installed automatically anyway. Or, if the update just made Yandex uninstallable, it should have been installed right away with the installation of android support...

mgbler ( 2014-06-11 23:18:51 +0200 )edit

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Asked: 2014-06-11 12:41:10 +0200

Seen: 266 times

Last updated: Jun 11 '14