I hope we see just released android app in the Jolla Store.
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I hope we see just released android app in the Jolla Store.
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Asked: 2014-06-12 16:46:12 +0200
Seen: 189 times
Last updated: Jun 12 '14
What name is used to sign comment on application in Jolla store? [answered]
During system updates are downloads kept to a minimum?
[Harbour] add whats new section to app description [released]
Cannot install apps from harbour [answered]
Store: a way to share direct links to apps
Store: improve the browsing and search for new apps
[Idea] Add all main open source browsers Android versions to Jolla store
There is a workaround for everything ;) QuickRadio and Y-radio apps can together handle about 50% of those stations but yes it would be nice to see that app as a native Sailfish app.
Maybe someone could check if it works and let the developer know that they could submit it to the harbour?
Wizah ( 2014-06-12 18:14:49 +0200 )edit