[bug] some appointments were not synced via CalDAV
I found out that I am missing some appointments in my calendar. I do not see a weekly recurring appointment that was added 2 January 2014. Also, from 9 December 2013 and before there are no appointments.
Am I correct to assume that only appointments starting at 6 months before the sync account creation date are actually synced? Or is this even a sliding window?
If so, this is probably the cause that I don't see my recurring work appointments this week, because the "root" appointment of this was not synced?
You should probably tell more about what service you're using, how you set it up etc. I heard CalDAV sync is working fine for some people, but the feature is experimental at the moment, so lots of things may still not go as planned. personnally, I haven't had much luck yet syncing with Fruux.
bennypr0fane ( 2014-06-21 01:12:52 +0200 )editI'm using generic CalDav account with DAViCal. But the question refers more to a hypothesis that an initial sync (or a maybe every sync) takes a specific window into account. I find it too coincidental that exactly all appointments 6 months before my first sync are not there :). I've seen CalDAV clients to have sync windows (eg, -6 months & +12 months).
paulvt ( 2014-06-21 01:15:46 +0200 )edit