Quickbar - discussion & support thread: Release 0.93-237(kesäkuume)
asked 2014-06-21 23:46:49 +0200

This post is a wiki. Anyone with karma >75 is welcome to improve it.
This thread is meant to be a scratch pad for Quickbar development / enhancement. There is a now separate thread for feedback / suggestions. here
QUICKBAR ON XPERIA10: if you encounter issues, please drop a mail / post here
WANTED: If you happen to fall in any of the following categories, and would like to help, please drop a message at users.giulietta@gmail.com
- supported SFOS tablets (unofficial) owners (testing)
- Gemini PDA owners (testing)
- translators for localizations (Russian, Spanish)
If you like our work: Help in fueling our Rockets! Donate!
NOTE : Quickbar has been tested on Jolla OTH JollaC with version Kymijoki It hence supports Sailfish X as well. If you face issues, please report them here. Thanks!
Flattr : from store
Bitcoins: 1Ayx665f3dHEKMHT389qcZTwsibfyW122a
- Release 0.93-238 (keväkuume) is available on harbour, for Oulanka!
Release 0.91-235 (keväkuume) is available on openrepos, for Oulanka!
Release 0.90-234 (kesäkuume) is available on openrepos and on harbour!
Autostart scripts are available from the debota-utilities package available on openrepos (as well as their source code)
Release 0.36-145 (yövalo) is out on openrepos ; SF1.0 - compatible!
KNOWN ISSUES (SFOS versions): 2.0.1: * Quickbar does not appear on the task switching screen if coming from the lock screen
- Quickbar on lockscreen is unresponsive with lock code enabled
- Image previews in harbour do not depict quickbar at all
- Some Android apps do not open up after being started; user is instead redirected to the task switcher only. Appears to be alien dalvik related
- Clipping of icons on top and bottom of the list (during swipe launch, under certain conditions)
- Autostart of app is not functional at the moment (apparently due to Qt bug)
- Quickbar does not open up windows of already launched apps. Fix WIP.
Pre- :
- Quickbar might loose interaction and displaying be delayed; if this is the case, please send /tmp/DebotaWarnings.txt file to users.giulietta@gmail.com
- QuickBar is visible on top of displayed calendar events
- WORKAROUND : Disable "Quickbar on Lockscreen" option
- Browser is not correctly inserted into the MRU list in (tonttu release)
- Favourites currently accept only 5 entries
- crashdumps are enabled, and generated in /tmp whenever the app crashes.
- in case you experience missing app icons in any list, please take the time to post the name of the app here below. If possible, send the ~/.config/harbour-debota folder contents zipped to : users.giulietta@gmail.com - DISCLAIMER : they will be strictly used for debugging ONLY!
- configuration files in ~/.config/harbour-debota are currently not removed upon uninstallation
*New in version 0.90.234 (kesäkuume)
- !NEW! Added search functionality for apps finding
- fixed bugs in android launcher (side-invoked apps were not properly recognized)
*New in version 0.70.209 (pakkaste)
- fixed detection of service invocations!
- new settings page!
- fixed minor things on the bar
*New in version 0.65-199 (keväthiiri)
- compatibility release for Qt 5.6
- minor stability fixes
*New in version 0.63-194 (räntä)
- minor release, trying a final fix on the display on events (calendar, call, etc); now quickbar should not display.
- fixed lockscreen bug (hanging)
- fixed app not showing when pressing status bar in task switcher
*New in version 0.61-187 (phoenix, patchrelease EGA) - support for OS'es < 2.0.1 (taalojärvi)
*New in version 0.60-185 (phoenix)
- support for autostart
- input problems fixed!
- added shortcuts bar on top of quickbar for easy switching (swiping still available)
- minor tidbits here and there
*New in version 0.50-164 (odyssey, patchrelease Circe)
- background is transparent now :)
- fixed transition / mouse sensitive bugs
- few corrections to settings screen
*New in version 0.5.161 (odyssey)
SFOS 2.0 adaptation; which means:
- Back to the roots : Horizontal quickbar accessible by click on status bar (currently in lockscreen / task switcher only)
Quicklaunch mode : last (from quickbar) started application gets launched automatically unpon unlocking the phone (i.e. when you press shoulder button to put screen on) TEST, see notes above, WIP
*New in version 0.36-145 (yövalo)
NEW FEATURE : Most Frequently Used list added
FIX / Launch mechanism : now launching is correctly alligned with unlocking of phone
FIX / Swiping : refactoring of UI code took off some nasty swipe-launch bugs
*New in version 0.30-104 (tonttu)
FIX / Tahkalampi: support for favourites
FIX / Tahkalampi, Uitukka : Swipe launch breaks favs adding
FIX / Tahkalampi, Uitukka : added missing text "and release" in the instructions on settings page
*New in version 0.29-100 (pukki)
NEW FEATURE : Favourites list; add / remove your favourite apps. Switch between lists with a simple swipe.
Improved appearance & disappearance animations
small bug fixings in qml (outline etc)
updated usage description in the settings page with instructions for favourites
*New in version 0.28-96 (hiiri)
Uitukka compatibility release! NOT TESTED ON PREVIOUS UPDATES! USE AT OWN RISK!
Special thanks to giucam for amazing support!
*New in version 0.26-94 (kuunvalo patch)
NEW FEATURE : slide in Quickbar automatically upon accessing lock screen
Fixed crash on empty list
Fixed visibility issue on empty list
Fixed touch area of Hide settings button
Updated description text in settings
*New in version 0.21-89 (kuunvalo)
*New in version 0.19-84 (kuunvarjo patch)
Fixed Swipe issue
*New in version 0.17.82 (kuunvarjo)
Service-based apps supported - all apps working!
Improved empty list looking (Thanks Arttu!)
*New in version 0.16.75 (rautatie)
First attempt at more detailed integration
NOTE : Still buggy, in case your Quickbar disappears on the lockscreen, unlock
(aka close lockscreen) and it should reappear the nex time you go to lockscreen
Support for LPM mode :)
*New in version 0.15-69 (saari patch-fix)
Fixed swipe option for real
Now app stops upon uninstall
*New in version 0.14-68 (saari)
Saari was supposed to be a patch fix for merenranta, instead it ended up including a new feature
(device lock support), hence it got upgraded to stand-alone release.
Device lock mode supported!
Tentative (optimistic) fix for random crashs
Linked swipe/non swipe checkbox "checked" properties (missing)
*New in version 0.12-43 (merenranta)
Added Settings window
Moved close button and support button to Settings window
Added feature for launching by swiping (switchable from Settings window)
Fixed visibility of QuickBar on incoming call / sms / alarm
*New in version 0.10-30 (heinaallergia)
Switched ads off, enabled donations button. If you like this app, and want to support us, DONATE! :)
Help us Fuel our Rocket! Post your nickname in the donation and you will be entereing the support hall of fame!
Added close button
Max length of history of apps is 7 now
New Icon (thanks Moth!)
*New in version 0.9-22
Added empty history placeholder
fixed swiping on lockscreen
fixed ads loading motor
diminished visibility time of ads
diminished showings of ads
Updated description of ads to be more specific
Proper uninstall scripts
Release 0.9-7 (Juhannus Juna)
- First version (Beta)
- Lockscreen gestures not working correctly
- Calls, sms, and other D-bus based services not currently supported
- Hiding of Quickbar not smooth
- No auto-start yet
- Available on lock screen only currently
- Ads shown every once an app is launched
Special thanks to:
- giucam
- coderus
- SK_works
- special
- kaltsie
- MSameer
- STSKeeps
- Moth for the new Icon!
- lpotter for good hints on QtDbus!
- objectifnul for helping identifying the Swipe Launch breaking fav adding
- and all others at #sailfishos who we forgot!
Discussion points:
- Location of Quickbar
The location of Quickbar is currently on the lock screen. Originally (on N9) Quickbar was conceived for three purpouses:
- To provide access to the last used apps
- To provide this in a handy way
- To provide this at any time
and was achieving this by being shown whenever the user clicked on the status bar (which usually was visible everywhere).
On Sailfish OS, we do not have a Status bar per-se.
So by placing this to the lock screen, we achieve 1. and 2., but not 3. A more suited place could be for an example the notification screen, but there is currently no easy way to recognize when this screen is displayed.
- improvements
- possibility to integrate with sailfish launcher?
Just out of interest, which kind of advertising is used in the application? Is it a third party ad-service like Adsense? Are they "static", or rather loaded dynamically from external resources?
tokaru ( 2014-07-05 14:34:27 +0200 )editIt is a third-party ad service, yes. Basically it's the only one with a qt sdk (smaato). They are loaded as normal ads dynamically. It appears however there is a bug (which we are investigating) causing the same ads to be displayed.
tortoisedoc ( 2014-07-05 14:59:10 +0200 )editThanks for the update, I didn't know there is something like smaato, working on Qt - good to know.
tokaru ( 2014-07-06 20:42:41 +0200 )editWow, 0.9-30 you are making great progress!
mosen ( 2014-07-07 13:50:08 +0200 )edit@tokaru Inner Active also has Qt SDK https://inneractive.jira.com/wiki/display/DevWiki/Qt+SDK+guidelines They were also working on a QML integration.
Buschmann ( 2014-07-07 13:57:48 +0200 )edit