Copy Android Data Directory + Contents From Jolla To Android Tablet

asked 2014-07-01 17:18:33 +0200

Okay so I've been trying to find a way to copy some Android data directory + associated files on the Jolla (/data/data/"mydirectory") over to a rooted Android tablet.

The things i've tried below are interim stages to try and get the directory off the Jolla and onto some other media where I was hoping it would be easy to copy to the Android tablet from there, but I've had some problems:

1/ So far I've managed to copy said android data directory (plus all associated files) internally to: home/nemo/public in the hope that it would be easier from there.

2/ I've tried copying the directory/files from Jolla to PC via Filezilla but there are errors (permissions?) and not all files can be transferred)

3/ I've tried copying the directory in terminal to the SD card on Jolla using:

cp -a /source/. /dest/

4/ I've also connected up my Jolla via USB to a Linux-based PC to try and copy the files via linux file manager from the home/nemo/public directory onto the PC, but again there were errors and a few files can't be copied in the process.

The next thing I've been thinking is to try Rsync to sync the directory over network from the Jolla to the rooted Android tablet - but I'm not quite sure how to achieve this or if it would work?

I thought this would be simple, but it seems the files have have some kind of r/w root permission which is making it difficult. Or maybe I'm just overlooking something ?

If anyone has an idea, I would appreciate some help - thanks!

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Just to add, the reason for wanting to do this is because I want to be able to transfer some android app data as the Jolla will not allow me to sign into google+ to backup that way, so of course us "wannabe" hackers have to get a bit inventive. ;-)

JollaTides ( 2014-07-01 18:12:50 +0200 )edit