feedback for Jolla-Launcher [not relevant]

asked 2014-07-08 08:52:32 +0200

aold619 gravatar image

1.Jolla-Launcher will crash in ART mode. 2.When you hold the lock-screen and drag it down to open the pull-dwon menu, but the menu get stuck always. 3.If I open Jolla-Launcher, the function of screen edge turns into "back to home", but a lot of android apps have built-in gestures, like Play Store, we swip the screen from left edge to open the menu, but Jolla-Launcher make these gestures harder. Besides, the "back to home" gestures function will occupied the screen edges even I exit Jolla-Launcher, I mean you exit Jolla-Launcher, "back to Home" gestures is gone, but you cannot use screen edges still. 4.if only apps list can be sorted by name..... 5.look forward Jolla-Launcher own Notifications 6.improve stability 7.add Pin Screen-Lock functionality, people can turn on it in settings

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The question has been closed for the following reason "question is not relevant or outdated" by Spam Hunter
close date 2020-03-07 22:33:29.865111


'2. if you mean the pulley stays open if you pull it far enough (over the items), then that's by design.

'3. Blocking applications on the edges is unfortunately the only way to implement the swipe gesture. If they remain after Jolla Launcher is not running, then that's a bug.

zuh ( 2014-07-09 17:46:58 +0200 )edit

I'm sorry about my poor English, →_→||, I mean when I drag the pulley a little faster, the phone start to vibrating, and never ends.....

aold619 ( 2014-07-14 16:46:42 +0200 )edit

Hm, what phone is this?

zuh ( 2014-07-15 14:35:39 +0200 )edit

Google Nexus 5

aold619 ( 2014-07-18 19:15:01 +0200 )edit