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how to add event in synced google calendar?

asked 2014-07-16 08:50:38 +0200

arbyter gravatar image

first thing i check after receieving an update is the calendar. I can now edit an event in google calendar, that nice. But i cant find out, how to add a new event to a foreign calendar.

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answered 2014-07-16 09:07:32 +0200

FOMBE gravatar image

you should be able to choose a calendar you want from the event creation view. So normally create new event and under date and time settings there is shown Jolla private calendar or calendar you are using as default, where tapping you should see calendars that are availeable

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yes your are right, thank you very much; unfortunatley i find in calendar setting just the option to enable-disable and to assign a color. Missing further options like "set as default", "syncronise now", "select alarm tone" etc. etc.

arbyter ( 2014-07-17 12:37:12 +0200 )edit
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Asked: 2014-07-16 08:50:38 +0200

Seen: 168 times

Last updated: Jul 16 '14