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[feature-request] Open multiple instances of app to multitask between them

asked 2014-07-24 05:09:29 +0200

pata gravatar image

updated 2015-02-22 07:18:41 +0200

I think that one important (unfortunately still missing) part of smooth multitasking experience is ability to open multiple instances of app or document (document viewer app) at same time to be able to easily navigate between them by using Jolla task switcher.

This should be possible especially with system basic apps like file manager, text/document editors/viewers, messaging (write/read multiple messages on same time), terminal (ssh-sessions), browser (it has built-in tab type of multitasking, but still I miss N9-esque way) etc. More or less all apps which contain information that you sometimes need to compare, manipulate and combine, and do copy/paste between, should enable this feature.

I think that good multitasking implementation need also support of smooth task switching between same application not only between different applications as it is currently implemented on Jolla.

My regulary appearing pain points with lacking multiple app instance support are:

  1. I need to compare information of two or more documents. It would be nice to be able to open multiple instances of document viewer to easily check things on page X of one document, open second document as new task, goto page Y, check things there and just swipe away and switch back to original document which is open as separate task to be switched on and vice versa.

  2. I would like to open multiple terminal sessions as multiple instances to be able to switch between them easily using native gesture based task switcher.

  3. Write new messages by combining information of several other messages and/or documents. I need to be able to move easy and fast way between messages without losing edited version. This is now far better handled after Tahkalampi update ( auto draft feature) , but still N9 with multiple open messsage tasks beats Jolla in this front as https://together.jolla.com/users/2113/abyzthomas/ points out.

EDIT 1: It is possible to open multiple instances of Terminal app (It's not most obvious way because it is embedded in-app menu, but still), so that point is answered by Whippler.

EDIT 2: The multi-instance support could be implemented easily, uncluttered, obvious and native Jolla-ish way by utilizing cover actions. That way it's easy to find out which apps support multiple instances and it clearly lefts decision to developer to support or not that feature. I wonder if it is already possible to start support to multiple instances if developer wants like Terminal app do as Whippler has been point out.

There is maybe just need to put design guideline in place for developers to implement the feature whenever that makes sense for normal app usage patterns.

A good example of the possible implementation is Browser "+" cover action which could open new instance of browser instead of new tab. Likewise, I think that Terminal app should implement something like "+" cover action in addition of in-app toggle to fire up new instance. That would be more Jolla-way implementation making user experience more consistent.

There are also thread https://together.jolla.com/question/16455/edge-gesture-app-swap/ that somehow relates with this multiple instance request discussing method and gestures to switch directly from app to app.

EDIT 3: As NJesperson points out, the current app switcher with only last 9 apps visible will be easily overflow badly if the support of multiple instances is widely supported. This is already starting to happen as Android apps multitasking view err... launch history is presented on app switcher after update 8. List of recently launched Android apps are prone to fast overflow 9 app grid.

There are rumors that Jolla may be preparing overhaul of app switcher in future releases. We do not know the solution that they are planning, but NJesperson suggests that multi-instance or in-app multitasking might be implemented grouping multiple instances under single cover in the app/task switcher grid. The cover actions should be used to handle in-app multitasking in consistent way shared all apps.

EDIT 4: Nothing has emerged so far (pre-release update 10 a.k.a considering multitasking. I am pointing my hopes of improvement with multitasking to Sailfish OS 2.0 release which should see daylight with Jolla Tablet. I hope that SOS 2.0 (Tablet) has not only split screen multitasking but also overall improvements, like to allow open multiple instances of any app if preferred as this feature request states.

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One question arises when opening multiple instances of an app that isn't built for this usage: how to manage settings of the app? Open history, preferences, etc.

Tofe ( 2014-07-24 10:36:32 +0200 )edit

That could be solved by restricting multiple instances for the applicatins that support it. There are quite much of apps that do not make sense of having multiple concurrent instances open like phone app.

It could be choice of app developer to make if one like to allow/suppport multi-instance function.

pata ( 2014-07-24 10:54:22 +0200 )edit

It could/should be up to each app to specify whether to allow multiple instances.

Upp15 ( 2014-07-24 10:55:06 +0200 )edit

Nice suggestion. I'm used to have two instances of the same app running on Linux with two different accounts, I just love that feature. Jolla would be even more exceptional phone with this feature.

simo ( 2014-07-24 11:27:57 +0200 )edit

Yes for multiple instances of the browser! For other apps, I don't see the real need.

chinauser ( 2014-07-24 17:57:55 +0200 )edit

3 Answers

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answered 2014-07-24 11:55:25 +0200

Whippler gravatar image

updated 2014-07-24 12:00:56 +0200

you can have multiple instances of terminal app.

Hit the menu button in terminal, and then "new window" It opens a new instance of terminal.

so its upto app developer to add a feature to launch new instances from within the app. It could be nice tough if it were to be a system feature where you can tap and hold the icon to launch new instance, or something like that

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answered 2014-07-26 21:50:56 +0200

ruga gravatar image

I like the idea of switching among open apps. Closing a view of an app and then open the other one etc.. can take "some" time, and for certain task is a bit annoying.

Maybe it would be possible to add a new gestures like "double tapping" in the center of the screen and you automatically switch from the first open app to the second one. (like a buffer, where you store the open application and you switch in sequence among them).

This gesture could also be extended to the tabs of the browser, because it is basically the same concept.

ofc my gesture is just the first one that I had in my mind

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See this suggestion: https://together.jolla.com/question/16455/edge-gesture-app-swap/

ssahla ( 2014-07-26 21:57:31 +0200 )edit

answered 2014-08-12 15:05:20 +0200

NJesperson gravatar image

I like the idea alot, however the multitasking view would get full (or even if they allow us to have several pages, very cluttered) very quickly while for example surfing. May I suggest some kind of grouping of the app covers of the same app? Like almost suggested, maybe an action of the cover could take you to the app's internal multitasking view?

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Good point, it's true that app swicher with 9 visible last apps will be limiting factor. There might already be some refinements coming with future updates to that functionality. If not, then this kind of approach to group multitasked instances of the apps is needed.

Whatever way is chosen to implement multitasking between multiple instances of same application, the important factor is consistency of gestures, layouts and functions imho.

pata ( 2014-08-12 15:43:46 +0200 )edit

Yes, now that you mention it I recall reading somewhere that an overhaul of the multitasking will be released together with the next device - they might take in-app multitasking into account when they do! I still, however, personally think that some kind of grouping would be beneficial either way, so that it's easier to tell which cover belongs to which app.

And yes, I agree that consistency is most important of all things, so that it feels good to use it together with all of the other features!

NJesperson ( 2014-08-13 23:05:04 +0200 )edit

I might need to clarify that the part about Jolla taking it into account was nothing more than a speculation of mine - all I can recall from the article (I've tried to find it again, but haven't yet) was that they were working on some kind of big change.

NJesperson ( 2014-08-14 17:22:20 +0200 )edit

OK, I changed the wording to be more speculative about that issue - I do not recall either the source of (possible) speculation about "big change" of UI/UX features of Jolla Sailfish to be coming in future realeases, but still I feel that I have read about that somewhere??

pata ( 2014-08-14 18:00:50 +0200 )edit

I find an discussion thread https://together.jolla.com/question/8059/swipe-to-switch-between-running-apps-app-launcher-n9-style/ which include some mentions from Jolla crew that they might consider future improvements to the laucher. This is not exactly news of "big change" but still point that Jolla sailors are very aware the issues with launcher and has been considered pros and cons of several desings already.

pata ( 2014-08-21 03:30:42 +0200 )edit
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Asked: 2014-07-24 05:09:29 +0200

Seen: 1,535 times

Last updated: Feb 22 '15