How to find out if the phone is in idle state?
I'm writing an app that reads out web APIs every 5 minutes.
Obviously I dont want to do this as long as the phone is in idle state.
How can I check this for my app?
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I'm writing an app that reads out web APIs every 5 minutes.
Obviously I dont want to do this as long as the phone is in idle state.
How can I check this for my app?
In qt app you can check flag. I catch the signal of change of this flag like this:
import QtQuick 2.0
import Sailfish.Silica 1.0
onApplicationActiveChanged: {
if (! {
// App not active, stop doing stuff
else {
// App is active again, keep on doing stuff
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Asked: 2014-08-03 13:40:43 +0200
Seen: 423 times
Last updated: Aug 04 '14
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