mail attachments: unable to open (some) attachments

asked 2014-09-03 21:26:39 +0200

Holger gravatar image

updated 2014-09-04 15:18:14 +0200

jiit gravatar image

I cannot find a way to open an attached file, when there is no "default" applikation set for that file type. Today I tried to view an attached file named reference.po: in the mail it says that the file is downloaded, but tapping on it does nothing. A pulley menu with "View contents" or "View as text" would be fine as a minimal generic solution.

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This is not a nice solution and you might know it already, but just for others you read this:

Attachments are saved in ~/Downloads/mail_attachments/ - it's a bit cumbersome to browse this directory in a file manager (because files are in a million sub-folders), but it works and you'll eventually find your attachment. (Look for the dates of the folders.) Once you located the file, you can either rename it or open as text etc, depending on which file manager you use. At least you have options then. :)

ossi1967 ( 2014-09-04 10:26:59 +0200 )edit

The "solution" you provided is also no solution. It is theoretically possible, but is no usable solution regarding UX.

Holger ( 2014-09-04 20:06:40 +0200 )edit

Another problem is that there is no dialogue explaining what is happening e.g. "You do not have any application installed of open this file type. Go to the store and find one." If the user does not download the Documents app during first setup, he/she will only be frustrated that no attachment can be open and will blame Jolla for this (happened to my mum:D). Feedback is important in UX.

asgeirr ( 2014-11-15 15:16:18 +0200 )edit

Even when I get a .mp3 voicemail message in my email, there is nothing Jolla offers me to listen to it. Shouldn't the media player be able to handle this? My N900 had no problems with it...

reinouts ( 2015-01-16 12:51:42 +0200 )edit