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Bottom edge swipe don't work

asked 2014-09-08 17:04:47 +0200

The 1 And Only gravatar image

updated 2015-04-27 11:14:13 +0200

eric gravatar image

Then I swipe from the outside of the bottom screen to get to the notification menu, it doesn't work. I tried to open a app with landscape view, to see if I could minimize from that side, nothing happened.
However i could open the notification menu in landscape view.

I tried to reset the phone but it still doesn't work.

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Not an answer or a solution, but aside from 'dead' touch in the Sailfish Browser, the other area of problems I've observed is the notification swipe not working occasionally or being unresponsive, so it's probably not just you.

midnightoil ( 2014-09-08 19:03:33 +0200 )edit

I have this issue aswell https://together.jolla.com/question/55359/cant-access-notifications/

I tried using in landscape and that also works for me, so thanks for that one :)

kearnage ( 2014-09-09 01:51:22 +0200 )edit

1 Answer

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answered 2015-07-08 15:49:17 +0200

ilpianista gravatar image

Check the "Surround touch" test from CSD tool: http://linuxg.net/jolla-has-a-secret-tool-for-testing-the-devices-features/

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Tried this CSD tool and from right, left and top it gives green light, but bottom swipe doesn't work.

vihtap ( 2015-08-19 20:47:16 +0200 )edit

I have the same issue now. The issue is not consistent - Everything works fine sometime, but breaks next day.

So, I am not able to type spacebar in keyboard ( When in portrait mode), cancel a call, etc etc.

sajithvk ( 2016-01-07 12:44:40 +0200 )edit
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Asked: 2014-09-08 17:04:47 +0200

Seen: 451 times

Last updated: Jul 08 '15