2013-12-29 16:01:47 +0200
6514 ●41 ●48 ●51 moderator
tl;dr; There is one; it has nothing in it yet. It's based on the Apps4MeeGo ideas. Talk to me :)
Back in Maemo times we had a lot of 'unofficial' repos where the community could download apps. This caused problems due to quality, conflicts and the large number of repos.
Eventually we got Maemo 'Extras' and that was a pretty good solution; it had an autobuilder and a decent frontend.
In fact Niels who was on the team that ran that now handles Harbour :)
Moving on to MeeGo we got the Community OBS which he and I setup and ran. That was pretty successful and eventually we moved towards Apps4MeeGo. Code would be built in the OBS and then would run through Community QA checks. Once it was approved it would be promoted to the 'store'.
That OBS and system has now been replaced by the Mer Community OBS. This is where Mer, Nemo, Qt and all the open parts of SailfishOS are built today. Nowadays that builds directly from git projects on github or Mer's git repos etc and can be setup to build when tagged - so it's quite nice to use.
The automated QA is already in use for Nemo and can be adapted to community QA use (but that will take work).
I recently (mid-december) setup :
This is for community repos for Jolla
devices. See tbr in #sailfishos for
guidelines on getting stuff accepted
in here.
I also think this environment could help Jolla too - we could explore APIs and explore and co-create rules for Harbour apps.
Nb mentioned in
Now alongside all this is the Maemo originated which was inspired by the MeeGo OBS and has a Sailfish apps section. I've not had any contact with the guys who run that but they may be interested in helping out too.
What do we need to do:
- Organise ourselves
- Design/Setup a QA process
- Add an app to Harbour to enable the repos (WIP - 90% done)
Something like Warehouse for the N9? I thought there was already being worked on by the devs.
BonoNL ( 2013-12-29 15:39:12 +0200 )editI had no N9. But I know "experimental" repos from my n900 and this was very cool to have :).
Sailor ( 2013-12-29 15:44:00 +0200 )edit