Can't access favourite Ambiance screen from the Lock screen [duplicate]
I recently set up two favourite Ambiances but noticed that I can't access the favourite Ambiance screen from lock or home screen. So the only way to change the Ambiance is through the Gallery.
I haven't used favourite Ambiances in the past so I don't how old this problem is. I'm now using Tahkalampi. The problem was there before installing the security hotfix released today and is present after installing the update.
I know that favourite Ambiance screen has worked at some point in the past when I've been messing around with the phone.
I assume this is a bug but it could just be me being stupid.
Edit: I could actually access the favourite Ambiance screen from the Home screen but not from the Lock screen. Caption has been updated.
It's not supposed to work from the lock screen, only from the home screen. Are you sure you start the gesture from outside the screen?
ossi1967 ( 2014-10-06 20:53:03 +0200 )editI thought I did try it from outside the screen but apparently I didn't. At least not on home screen. Because it's working on the Home screen.
But the jolla guide says: "Treasure: From the Home and Lock screens, swiping from either side shows your favourite Ambiences. Tap on one to activate it."
And I'm sure it has worked from the Lock screen in the past. Or has this changed at some update?
I'll update the question.
hetas ( 2014-10-06 21:10:13 +0200 )edit