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battery test and performance on my jolla

asked 2014-10-13 15:29:19 +0200

zeet2020 gravatar image

i see a battery drain on my jolla, it drain around 2% on standby mode for 2 -3 hour. jumps 2% down on music playback of 10 min on low volume. will draining 1% per min if am using wifi or browsing the web.

i am not using the android alien just the native apps . how can i test whether this is normal or there is a real problem with my jolla. it just a week old handset.

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We need a question with clear instructions on how to measure consumption, and reports from various people, to get an idea what’s normal and what’s possible.

nomeata ( 2014-10-13 15:49:18 +0200 )edit

completely agree with nomeata. on google we get alot of blog post about 8 days standby time etc.. on jolla but we need standard which can be tested to see whether drain is normal or not

zeet2020 ( 2014-10-13 16:00:10 +0200 )edit

My new Jolla is also 2week old. I remove from charging after 100%, as soon as unplug, it comes to 98%. And I used firefox browser for 10 minutes and suddenly drops to 88%. In another few mins it drops to 82%. I bought jolla after analysing the battery standby, even then its not able to use for a day. If I start using 3G, mobile gets heated up like anything and soon drains to 2% within 8hours.

I dont know Jolla mobiles are defective products from the manufacturer or due to software or need optimization of battery. I have seen lot of community members are worried about the battery drain.

Jolla please try to fix this issue if its related to software or provide us a replacement with tested battery. I am from India and bought mobile through www.snapdeal.com

Twinklestar1792 ( 2014-10-13 21:12:13 +0200 )edit


  • Just because the battery says 100% doesn't mean anything. It's just an indication that the battery is reporting back an almost full charge. I've seen the same behaviour on other phones, it's normal. For example, my iphone would claim to be 100% full, but would keep trickle charging whilst plugged in.
  • Not used Firefox, but I imagine that's the Android version. Android apps are more likely to consume more power since they're going through the virtual machine. Try using the native browser and see how it performs.
  • 3G battery drain is directly linked to coverage in your area. If you're in poor coverage, the phone will use more power to connect to the BTS and therefore heats up and drains the battery.

I also bought the phone through snapdeal. I'm charging the phone once in 2-3 days but (a) I have very good 3g coverage and (b) I have wifi most of the time.

Sanjay Mehta ( 2014-10-14 09:12:23 +0200 )edit

how much drain do you see on the first day... like on day 1

zeet2020 ( 2014-10-14 11:26:05 +0200 )edit

1 Answer

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answered 2014-10-13 17:57:22 +0200

Jolkas gravatar image

My Jolla for example now runs the 3rd day without charging and the battery shows 54%. I run the android alien but without any further background app except a android calender app. Some calls, most of the time wifi enabled (except during night), some internet during this time. I myself was wondering if this is real or if the battery indicator measures wrong. Till now I didnt dare let the battery drain to less than 40%, that means for me charging every 4th night or so.

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there are many comment which say.. android enabled.. drain up battery.. so i wanted to test the battery retention.. with just little bit of browsing and music playback... my battery drains up to 50%. which i guess is not normal.

zeet2020 ( 2014-10-13 20:50:30 +0200 )edit
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Asked: 2014-10-13 15:29:19 +0200

Seen: 575 times

Last updated: Oct 13 '14