Delete all entries from a calendar
The system provides a way to delete all contacts. There should also be a way to delete all calendar entries.
(This is especially important when trying to reset the calendar to get syncevolution going again.
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The system provides a way to delete all contacts. There should also be a way to delete all calendar entries.
(This is especially important when trying to reset the calendar to get syncevolution going again.
answered 2015-06-16 22:18:07 +0200
This post is a wiki. Anyone with karma >75 is welcome to improve it.
You need root access and will manually edit the SQLite database storing the calendar data, so please be careful and use at your on risk.
Before you start, close the calendar application, then in a shell on the phone, for example by logging in via SSH, switch to root mode:
Start SQLite with the database filename as parameter:
sqlite3 /home/nemo/.local/share/system/privileged/Calendar/mkcal/db
In the SQLite shell, list the available calendars:
SELECT * FROM Calendars;
That will give you a list of the calendars, for example
The first column is the calendar ID and the second is the human-readable calendar name.
Optional: if you want to list the calendar entries before deleting them, execute the following query. Use the calendar ID you got from the previous query, for example
SELECT Summary FROM Components WHERE Notebook='088f1e00-c071-4370-a435-d659ebd6580e';
Now delete the entries matching that calendar from the table Components, for example
DELETE FROM Components WHERE Notebook='088f1e00-c071-4370-a435-d659ebd6580e';
Finally exit SQLite and the root shell (Ctrl-D is usually fine) and open the calendar application. If everything went as expected, the calendar entries in the calendar you edited should now be gone.
If You want to remove the Calendars too (instead of only the entries from them) use the following approach AFTER deleting from Components as shown above:
List all calendars: SELECT * FROM Calendars;
Delete specific calendars: DELETE FROM Calendars WHERE CalendarId IN ('d9e4b762-a186-4af8-bbdc-58e8ea4a45c0','c62b5014-2eaa-496c-ac8a-9447b1d69611','fadf6de3-2bea-4d92-987f-a8661ba1f405','9d49c547-9c8c-4914-ac8d-1e2942bd1c31');
Or one specific calendar: DELETE FROM Calendars WHERE CalendarId = 'd9e4b762-a186-4af8-bbdc-58e8ea4a45c0';
Verify with: SELECT * FROM Calendars;
DrWilken ( 2016-01-29 23:30:25 +0200 )editHigh Dr.Wilken, in my case, the deleting of one ore all calendars work very fine. After the deleting i installed the accounts and they worked fine. Thanks - Runningtrilo
Runningtrilo ( 2017-02-13 16:44:13 +0200 )editA quick way to do it is to simply delete /home/nemo/.local/share/system/privileged/Calendar/mkcal/db
(as root). It works for me; not sure about any side-effects.
By deleting /db which calendars are going away - all default birthday and private and are they going completely or only the content ? I have my private calendar full with near 1000 entries from my busines-calendar and will loose them all.
Runningtrilo ( 2015-07-09 12:00:59 +0200 )edit@nomeata this is a great way to solve all sorts off calendar issues. key here is to have everything synched with the cloud.
DarkTuring ( 2016-10-31 19:51:03 +0200 )editThis is the trick Sometimes my calendars start to multiply themselves. The calendars are syncronized with my OwnCloud - there are no problems, only on my Jolla. To rm /home/nemo/.local/share/system/privileged/Calendar/mkcal/db
works fine; After a reboot everything looks healthy again.
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Asked: 2014-10-17 00:03:22 +0200
Seen: 965 times
Last updated: Jun 16 '15
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