[Wiki] Poll: Would you like to have Global Search? [not relevant]
asked 2014-10-28 22:59:30 +0200

This post is a wiki. Anyone with karma >75 is welcome to improve it.
10 months ago I asked about the possibility to implement global search for Jolla phone (see here).
@Aard from Jolla has worked on this feature for the N9 in Nokia and commented that such a feature "would be doable" and suggested the following:
"I guess we should collect yes/no/what?! for that feature, together with information about which content the people who are using it are searching for to see if it makes sense to start with implementing search for a subset of items more easily available."
There are 3 possible answers to this question:
Yes (I think such a feature would be useful and I would like it to be implemented)
No (I don't think such a feature would be useful)
What? (I don't understand what such a feature would do)
Please vote for one of the 3 suggested answers and give comments about the content you would search for with such a feature impelemented (or did search for with a prior phone that had this feature, like the N9).
EDIT 31.10.14. 12:53 CET:
Yes votes: 58 (80,55%)
No votes: 12 (16,67%)
What votes: 2 (2,78%)
@Aard any suggestions on how to improve this poll or does it answer the need for information about this topic?
Yes (I think such a feature would be useful and I would like it to be implemented)
Twinklestar1792 ( 2014-10-29 19:30:44 +0200 )edit@Twinklestar1792 Please delete your answer and vote for the already existing answer "Yes" (as suggested in the post) and comment in the comment section of that answer. Thanks.
Neo ( 2014-10-31 13:52:12 +0200 )edit