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"unable to connect to wlan" - notification too often

asked 2014-10-30 13:37:25 +0200

mlatu gravatar image

updated 2016-08-17 11:04:47 +0200

jiit gravatar image

i am often at a place with zero reception for 5 to 10 minutes its like a bunker.. where i decide to do some memrising using the android app. and while doing that my jolla keeps pestering me with these notifications every 20 to 30 seconds.. couldnt you change it to like 2 to 4 minutes? also the only wifi i ever use is the one at home. so when i got no data but telefone reception and am not at home it is also kinda annoying to have that "wanna look for a wifi here" notification every couple of seconds.

Edit: or make the notification less intrusive, im thinking about that "Connected" notification that pops up in the top 10 or 20 pixels. This one stating "You are not connected to any networks, want to try wifi?" would be alot better. I wouldnt mind that one appearing with similar frequency since i think it does not "lock" the screen and needs to be tapped away like the wlan notification

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answered 2014-12-30 18:19:34 +0200

dchornillos gravatar image

i will find very useful to have the possibility to avoid the notification about wlan connection. Maybe even using a bottom in the notification box. I have been driving abroad using the Here maps in android and the continuous wlan notifications was very annoying. I dont know how the assisted GPS actually works, in the help it is said that it uses both phone antennas and wlan. When I drive at home the wlan notifications do not rise, probably as the phone data is being used. When driving abroad without roamming the wlan notifications pops every 20-30 seconds, this happened even after turning off the assisted GPS.

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Asked: 2014-10-30 13:37:25 +0200

Seen: 294 times

Last updated: Dec 30 '14