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[feature request] better POP3-support / options

asked 2014-11-01 00:51:29 +0200

Jolkas gravatar image

updated 2014-12-09 13:37:54 +0200

eric gravatar image

[the original post is cited below]


after now struggeling some days with this problem I want to share my findings with the community:

When I want to set up a POP3-account on my Jolla, i'm not asked (and I can't select any option afterwards in the settigs) if I want to delete or leave the messages on the server or not. So in practice I found out that the preinstalled option of my Jolla is to leave the messages on the server, which is good for me.

Just recently I realized the following strange behavior of the Jolla's native mail client: when deleting a mail, it is moved from the "Inbox"-folder to the "deleted messages"-folder, which is not the strange part of it. Now, when I want to delete the mail finally from the device (i.e. delete it from the "deleted messages"-folder), my Jolla requires an internet connection for that action. Why, when I'm talking about a POP3-account, that means I retrieved all the mails as a copy to my phone, now stored locally on my device? The answer is, because my Jolla deletes the mails from the server (!) when deleting them from the "deleted messages"-folder, which is in my opinion not according to the normal rules of an POP3-account (is it?).

So my suggested behavior of the mail client is as follows:

  • first let the user choose whether he/she wants tho mails on the server to be deleted or not after retrieval
  • second: once after successfully retrieval the mail-client should treat the mails on the phone strictly as local copies, it should not store local copies on the device for reading, answering and even deleting (i.e. moving to the "deleted messages"-folder), but then affect the remained copies on the server when removing it completely from the phone!

Thank you

P.S.: I found some posts concerning the same issue, but from other point of view, so I wrote my personal problems here "again", hoping it is not declared as a duplicate: https://together.jolla.com/question/42422/pop3-delete-emails-from-server/ and https://together.jolla.com/question/16156/need-a-delete-permanently-function-as-my-pop3-email-is-still-storing-all-the-deleted-emails/.

[original post: Hi, i just now wanted to delete mails from the "deleted elements" folder, the 5 sec. bar appeared, and just after the 5 secs my Jolla tried to connect to the internet. After i ignored that message, the mail was still in the folder. Since i'm using an pop3 account i'm wondering why my phone needs an internet connection to delete mails? is this a bug or am i misunderstanding something? thanx for replies EDIT: after having tagged this as a bug, i want to add tho following information: i'm running version and i'm talking about the native sailfish mail client.]

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hi, the same for me. Does Jolla delete from server when I delete from phone ?

Luca ( 2014-11-01 10:31:00 +0200 )edit

I would like to have the option that when I delete from server it gets deleted from the "Deleted Messages" folder as well because now when I download email first to my phone and then, the same mail, to my laptop I have to delete it both from my phone and laptop client.

paperboy ( 2014-11-13 03:47:03 +0200 )edit

3 Answers

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answered 2014-11-01 02:02:01 +0200

Spam Hunter gravatar image

updated 2014-11-01 16:53:18 +0200

Hi Jolkas,

The POP3 protocol at it's most basic workflow;

  1. Connect to server

  2. Retrieve all mail

  3. Store locally as new mail

  4. Delete mail from server*

  5. Disconnect

*The default behaviour of POP is to delete mail from the server. However, some POP clients also provide an option to leave a copy of downloaded mail on the server.

EDIT: Nice to see someone vote down information that is generally found on the internet. If the information is incorrect, then how about saying so instead of just down voting - why down vote?, the info is not wrong, just isn't the right answer for Jolka's problem. {smh}


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The Jolla-mail-client leaves the retrieved mails on the server. So i just want to delete the local copy on my device, as i do it daily with my laptop or netbook etc. None of these devices need an internet connection for that purpose (it does not make sense anyway). Why does my Jolla need it? For deleting a lokal stored file?

Jolkas ( 2014-11-01 10:51:04 +0200 )edit

After re-reading your question and your follow up comment, I am now inclined to agree with what you're saying. At first, I didn't give much thought as my Jolla is pretty much always connected to the net and so deleting mail/s has never been a noticeable problem for me.

On reflection, perhaps we should consider this a bug with POP3 accounts on Jolla, despite my 1st answer, which is not entirely my own words, but taken from a webpage (in the hope of a quick summary).

I still stand by the principles as laid out for POP, but I now have to agree with your question. We shouldn't need to connect to the net just to delete email/s.

It seems that POP behaviour is pretty similar across the board, but not here on Jolla phone - so, perhaps this should get tagged as a bug...??


Spam Hunter ( 2014-11-01 14:15:50 +0200 )edit

After reading your answer i'm now sure that this is a kind of bug, so i tagged it as a bug.q

Jolkas ( 2014-11-01 14:29:53 +0200 )edit

answered 2014-11-11 10:56:40 +0200

VDVsx gravatar image

updated 2014-11-11 10:57:59 +0200

POP3 is hard to understand protocol, specially for people using multiple devices(was not designed for that), it causes many questions all the time, since we didn't had resources to add all the options you mention, the default behaviour is more or less the same as IMAP4, we found out in our studies that this is the most suitable for most users and easiest to understand. We will provide more options in future updates, but at the moment other things have more priority since this protocol is not widely used.

I suggest you to turn this into a feature request for these missing options to get more votes.

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POP3 is a very easy protocol to understand and to use. Answers like "use IMAP" may work for some people but are not a solution for everyone. So if Jolla does not support POP3 they simply should say so and not even offer that option if it is not implemented correctly. I too am waiting for a good POP3 mailer for my Jolla.

Bernd ( 2015-08-26 12:37:26 +0200 )edit

The old Opera 12.17 browser mail client provides additional POP3 settings: so I have an option to 'leave messages on the server' and if selected I can check '... until I delete locally' - or not. On all my devices I run opera this sub-option is unchecked and I receive new mails, wich were just marked as read on the server (another option). Deleting mails there locally has no effect to the mails on the server. My home PC has the option 'leave messages on the server' unchecked and after downloading new and read mails (for archiving/backup) the server is emty. (I don't need to have the complete mail archive over years on all my different devices - then I would use IMAP.) So it would be nice to have a similar option for the Jolla mail client to (with full access for later changes please, not only when creating a new account).

fortify ( 2015-08-26 14:56:07 +0200 )edit

answered 2015-03-17 06:35:42 +0200

Personally, I am for the current setup.

The "Deleted Messages" folder act as a Trash Can we all have on our Linux or Windows or Mac computer - it is a safe guard for mistakes.

What I would like to be implemented is that when an email has been removed from the POP server by an other email application, that the email get removed from the phone at the next update. Because right now I have around 200-400 emails to delete every weekend on the phone.

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I think in your case the use of IMAP would be the better option: as far as I understand it the sense of POP is to have local copies of the mails on your device independant from the server, whereas the sense of IMAP is to have synced mails on every device as on the server. The problem I see with the Jolla is now, that in case of deleting mails the Jolla is mixing up the POP- and IMAP-behavior, because even in the "POP-modus" the mails are deleted from the server when deleting it from the device.

Jolkas ( 2015-03-17 16:06:13 +0200 )edit
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Asked: 2014-11-01 00:51:29 +0200

Seen: 458 times

Last updated: Mar 17 '15