dont' invent basic core/UI app that exist, just improve/adapt it [subjective]
asked 2013-12-30 02:16:03 +0200

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dont' invent basic UI/core app that exist, just optimize/adapt feature to UI/core and remove uncessary heavy code if exist without loose precious time ?
exemple: keyboard or keypad alphanumeric on SymbianOS S^3 with really useful function already exist but not exist on SailfishOS, why ? or maybe already planned for next month January, not next six month ?
Why forget/ignore basic function from former/older programmer like SymbianOS ? I know, is not just copy and paste, i can understand.
Some time, i have very difficult why a developer try to reinvent the wheel from scratch except for real unexisting feature/core
From FOSDEM2014 Development of SailfishOS 1.0
- New technology: libhybris, leverage existing Android hardware adaptations.
- Drop X11 and focus on modern UI but don't reinvent the wheel. Use Wayland (see why next)
- Develop UI with existing working Wayland stack (Mesa/LLVMpipe on VirtualBox/X86) while we build the HW adaptation
- Use QtCompositor to fulfill the wildest dreams of our designers.
- The result you can see in the following slides: a productised (not a mockup – end-users use it as their daily devices) future proof mobile platform.
Your question is really unspecific. I can't agree nor disagree because I have no idea what you're talking about.
Tanghus ( 2013-12-30 02:59:08 +0200 )editFrom what I gathered, he wants to take symbian's codebase, fiddle and optimize it, and dump it into sailfish.
Milo ( 2013-12-30 04:01:25 +0200 )editSailfish is a new OS, even if it's based on MeeGo it has been redesigned and rebuilt in the last two years. Features don't just magically appear, it's a lot of work. My favorite missing feature is the 3G Only mode, hope to see it soon.
hana ( 2013-12-30 06:09:39 +0200 )editThere are some nice "old school" surprises however, like the alarm clock that works even when Jolla is powered off. I believe Jolla & HTC One are now the only flagship smartphones that have this feature. For it to work, there needs to be an RTC with alarm function that can boot the OS.
hana ( 2013-12-30 06:12:37 +0200 )editMilo fully understand my point of view about feature already exist, need to be ported/improved to new SailfishOS (portability and optimize core code/UI specific with third party like Qt5 does)
i know developer need start from sratch for new feature not yet exist.
...but I unable understand loosing precious time for existing feature licensed/open source hard work was done from former developer except loose time and money.
redge73 ( 2013-12-31 02:10:59 +0200 )edit