[Request] [Jolla Tablet] NFC support [answered]
Since the Jolla tablet doesn't seem to have an interchangeable back cover, it would be awesome to have NFC built right in. NFC really is a feature that facilitate interconnection between other phones/tablets or additional gear.
This will also give a starting point for social apps that rely on data exchange – like sharing pictures, listening to music or just quickly moving contact details. Also, even Apple uses NFC nowadays for its payment service.
All this said, I assume the Jolla tablet definitely has a Bluetooth connection?
Thank you. I was just going to suggest same feature :)
Jolla095 ( 2014-11-19 13:28:25 +0200 )editBluetooth is in the specs
Feffe ( 2014-11-19 18:52:50 +0200 )editSince hardware specs seems to be pretty unmodifiable, a simple answer would be nice.
Is there NFC (even without software to use it yet) just not advertised or not ?
Since it's an Atom chip, I believe there is no NFC since an additional chip would be needed (but I'd be glad to be wrong).
Triton ( 2014-11-20 22:42:53 +0200 )edit+1 for NFC NFC is a must-have for me. I'm very upset that my jolla phone doesn't support real NFC. I use it to connect to NFC-Bluetooth-Speeker, NFC-Camera, before jolla I also had my train ticket with NFC etc.
Please support NFC
TomTomGalore ( 2014-11-21 08:16:03 +0200 )editNFC would be nice for using a Yubikey Neo. Please Add it
panics ( 2014-11-27 16:07:42 +0200 )edit