alarm volume w/ mp3?
It seems that I'm not able to change the alarm volume... I'v tried using different Ambiences and volume settings, but alarm volume is always the same.
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It seems that I'm not able to change the alarm volume... I'v tried using different Ambiences and volume settings, but alarm volume is always the same.
Slava has made the perfect solution for this! Just search for "Clock Settings" in the Warehouse. (In case you haven't installed Warehouse, see here:
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Asked: 2013-12-30 10:11:52 +0200
Seen: 469 times
Last updated: Nov 10 '16
Suggestion: Setting to turn off sound level warning
Is it possible to turn on Jolla via an alarm? [answered]
Alarm could trigger any shell command
Clock alarm bug [not relevant]
[Bug] Default clock alarm tone played when device is set to silent [released]
Any way to increase the max line out/headphones volume? [answered]
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Individual Sounds for different Alarms
Distinction between "volume", "ringtone volume" and "default ringtone volume"
I also would want to adjust the clock alarm volume (down). The clock alarm volume should be differentiated from any other volume setting (call sound volume etc).
JarnoF ( 2013-12-31 12:38:37 +0200 )editI personally would also want the alarm volume to be ambiance specific. So my night ambiance can have a vibration only alarm and my outdoor one the current standard volume.
Edir ( 2013-12-31 15:05:13 +0200 )editUpvoting... Getting woken up by the Jolla is a traumatic experience, loud as it is! :)
spidernik84 ( 2015-03-29 19:53:18 +0200 )editThe sound gets distoted when it's always at the maximum volume. Maybe there's some variable in a file you can change for now. Like with the remorse timer duration issue.
anonymous1 ( 2016-11-10 10:36:28 +0200 )edit