Green / fair production for tablet [not relevant]
I know that fair production methods (fair money, company that pay taxes, ...) aren't very popular for techies nor the IT industry itself. Nevertheless I like to mention this aspect because I think at least some people might care if the workers that produce the gadgets can life by their own hands work and don't endanger their lives during the production. And there are projects that accepted the challenge in ensuring sustainable production:
Another aspect is a green / ecological production of the device. So energy saving methods and to avoid the waste of energy and materials. Additionally it should be modular and easy to repair/upgrade/extend/... and at the end of lifetime easy to recycle.
Don't get me wrong. I know both goals are pretty hard to achieve and will result in a lot of compromises. But hey, if Jolla wants to become an alternative, alternative approach should get a chance, too :-)
Update: Even if not Jolla and the tablet itself go green, but the green Fairphone is getting Sailfish support.
Excellent suggestion! Fairphone sold a lot of phones based on this idea; it's definitely something that people care about. Nokia, where many of the sailors come from, was one of the pioneers in corporate social responsibility in the tech industry. Hopefully this is something that Jolla can also do...
Talking about Fairphone, I believe there were also ideas for Fairphone running Sailfish. Not sure if that's still going to happen sometime soon.
bilgy_no1 ( 2014-11-23 19:17:46 +0200 )editDon't get me wrong. This is not about CSR or earning (more) money. I guess the opposite will be the case (sell less as the components and production will get more expensive), but than we might have a pone where everybody can be sure, that no worker commited suicide (Foxcon) or that childs had to work.
dulog ( 2014-11-23 20:14:33 +0200 )editGood suggestion. This is exactly the reason why I'm not buying a Jolla phone yet. If Fairphone would do a 'Fairtablet', then I'd get it. IMHO Jolla should be a pioneer in this, too.
anavarre ( 2014-11-23 21:34:53 +0200 )editI agree with anavarre. I'm very ecyted about this product, if you start to think further, i will be part of this community.
st3f ( 2014-11-25 12:28:20 +0200 )editI deeply prefer using products that embody my personal values, ethics, and philosophies. Agreed.
essicolo ( 2014-11-27 17:44:29 +0200 )edit