Easy Switching Front / back camera mode [released]
Hello sailors,
In the official camera app from jolla phone it could be a more easier way to switch from a camera to the other one, between the front and the behind one. it could be a small pulls to the left side in the apps to be done.
Currently the pulls to the right side permit the access to the gallery. With the pulls direction to the left happen nothing. but it could be used to switch from a camera to the other one. what do you think about it?
I would find it really practicable. seems to be easy to make it possible....
have a nice sail
Update: If gesture can not be implemented for some reason, it could be built as a toggle.
I don't know many people use Exposure Compensation settings.
perhaps it could be replaced with a icon to switch between front and back camera.
Or be placed beside of it.
i like that idea!
misc11 ( 2014-11-23 23:10:33 +0200 )editand easy to develop i think. make this sailfish feature app a little bit special and really practicable.
cemoi71 ( 2014-11-23 23:32:32 +0200 )editit then should be optional to choose between front/back camera but for some people it could be better to swap to video and back to normal camera. which you'd prefer the most.
FOMBE ( 2014-12-12 11:28:55 +0200 )edit@FOMBE: really good question. why did you not post it as answer? after thinking, it will be better to choose it in option, if this action allow camera switch or video/camera swap. I'll do update the thread question, if it is ok for you.
cemoi71 ( 2014-12-12 13:44:29 +0200 )editoops 'm stupid. as a matter of fact the functionality that you told is already build. it is with the other pull direction... hehe :-)
cemoi71 ( 2014-12-12 13:46:54 +0200 )edit