Bug: media player should warn about volume(s) on very first run only [duplicate]
It's a (very) little thing but the media player seems to warn about volume (two warnings actually, one for volume: answer "OK" and another for high volume: answer "I understand") on every device boot. I appreciate there are probably regulatory guidelines about displaying a warning but once they user has opted in, they shouldn't need to opt in every time the device is rebooted and they launch the player for the first time.
@gukkeCan we rather make it point to this: https://together.jolla.com/question/676/suggestion-setting-to-turn-off-sound-level-warning/ because that's where the other duplicate also points and it already has over 50 votes. i.e. can you remove yr link.
bennypr0fane ( 2014-01-26 23:36:08 +0200 )edit